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First I have to apologise for something that is not my fault. When a message is sent out on mailchimp, there has to be a sender address, and that's me, Angus Winfield.  I can read your replies, but I cannot  reply to your won't go back through the system.  So its not just me being rude; it would take quite some time to sort out individual  email addresses and write separate replies.
  Anyhow,  the feedback from mailchimp tells me that, to date, 74 people have opened the email and 13 people have clicked the link to the film.  There  is no indication as to whether they watched the film all the way through.  I had four replies in my inbox ranging from one person saying  "Excellent film, always had my doubts about renewables" to, predictably, Peter Smith saying that all the stuff on renewables is out of date,   to another person saying that he had heard about the film so was not going to watch it !  I'm satisfied:  people have reacted and have been reminded that BSG still exists.  We have no meetings and may not have for many months yet, so I would welcome suggestions from anybody for the use of  this channel to keep the BSG flag flying.
   I have lived through the charade of hare-brained green-wash schemes that have emerged since the early seventies, seen through the hypocrisy  of self-publicists like Elon Musk and Richard Branson, and for me, the film shows it.....the saleswoman who doesn't understand the details of the car she is selling, the electricity supplier who cannot face the cameras and the world's worst solar panel salesman.   The greatest tragedy for me was seeing Bill McKibben sporting a tie when the CO2 content of the atmosphere is now  415ppm...some hopes of getting back to 350ppm.   The film has possibly failed in that it has given too many opportunities for critics to pounce and has not been clear enough in its message which is, I think,  'There are too many of us,our expectations are too high, we have tried all these tech fixes and it really isn't getting any better.'   But  that is my interpretation.   Its a poor film maker who has to explain what the message of his film is but if you click this link you will get the film makers' defence......they  have a point and it really is worth listening to even if the film didn't get it over.

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