Ergonomics for the home office
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Home office

Simple ways to make your home office work for you
Sitting at the kitchen table or in a recliner while working from home can put stress on our backs, necks, arms, and hands that may lead to discomfort, fatigue, or soreness. 

Set up your home office with these quick tips:

Position, position, position: Start with an adjustable chair. Rest your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest, with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Place your monitor about an arm’s length away, positioned away from glare, with the top of the monitor at eye level. Your forearms should rest almost parallel to the floor while typing.
Watch the video
Watch this video and make your workstation work for you.
Ergo doesn't have to break the bank
Ergo doesn't have to break the bank: Use a pillow for lumbar support. A sturdy box will work as a footrest. And a few reams of paper can raise your monitor to the right height.
Hazards be gone
Hazards begone: Clear your floors of slip/fall hazards like rugs or clutter. Ensure your electrical plugs, cords, outlets, and panels are in good working condition. Keep space free of trash and flammable liquids. Create an emergency evacuation plan.
Focus on wellness
Focus on wellness: Take regular breaks to move and stretch. Eat healthy foods and stay hydrated. Keep connected with your team using video chats or phone calls. 
Don't let hobbies hurt
Don't let hobbies hurt: Employees might use free time to return to old hobbies or take up new ones like cooking, crafts, and exercising. They can avoid avocado hand, knitter's neck, or workout woes, with these tips. 
For more tips on telecommuting safely, visit
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