
Lawyer Well-Being Week

May 4-8, 2020

Together We Can Bring Out the Best in the Legal Profession

Well-being is an institution-wide responsibility. When our professional and organizational cultures support our well-being, we are better able to make good choices that allow us to thrive and be our best for our clients, colleagues, and organizations. It is up to all of us to cultivate new professional norms and cultures that enable and encourage well-being.

See below for LAP's Lawyer Well-Being Week Programming.

All of Illinois LAP's services are available virtually.

Let us know how we can support you anytime:

30m Bootcamp 

Join an invigorating de-stress and restore workout from warmup to cool down. No equipment needed. Stick around for conversation after the workout!

The class is geared for all Lawyers, Law Students and Judges who need a break from stress ... NO EQUIPMENT needed. We will be meeting LIVE on ZOOM,
click below to register: 

TUESDAY May 5, 12:30-1:00P

THURSDAY May 7, 12:30-1:00P

LAP's Social Media Campaign

Throughout the week all of LAP's social media platforms will be sharing information and inspiration as we navigate the experience of being together alone during CVOID19. Follow, tag, message, like, we're here for it all.

Twitter @illinoisLAP
Instagram @illinoislap
Facebook @illinoislap
LinkedIn: Illinois Lawyers' Assistance Program

Reimagining Law:

LAP Exeuctive Director,
Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD PsyD., explains strategies for managing well-being for yourself and your office.

Click to Watch

The Reimagining Law video series explores how legal and judicial professionals are adapting the delivery of services to meet the unique needs of today’s consumers. 

Mental health and Well-Being During the COVID19 Epidemic 

Discussing the impact the COVID19 pandemic has had on mental health, well-being and substance use. Detailing strategies to increase well-being.

Watch LAP's social for next week's release!

 Dr.Diana Uchiyama, JD. Psy.D.,
LAP Executive Director


Fear and anxiety, driven by the uncertainty of a new pandemic, seemingly changed our world and behavior in the course of a few days.

Understanding the role of uncertainty and mental heuristics in anxiety can help us to forge ahead as we navigate the new normal.

Tony Pacione, LCSW,
LAP Deputy Director


Monday Men’s Group, 12:15-1:15 

Wednesday Women’s Group, 12:15-1:15

Friday Young Attorney & Law Student Group, 12:15-1:15

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20 S. Clark Street, Suite 450
Chicago, IL 60603

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