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Welcome to 3 Point Thursday! 

Each week I'll send you the three most compelling ideas, facts, studies and/or products related to nutrition, health and wellness that I have to share.

  • Feeling grounded? 
Grounding, also called Earthing, is putting your hands, feet, any skin on your body, directly on the ground outside to allow electrons from the earth to be absorbed through your skin. 

In 1960, synthetic materials were invented, and from there, rubber soles were added to the bottoms of shoes, critically disconnecting us from the earth and her nourishment.
This is thought to have caused the proliferation of inflammation related health disorders as we know them today. 

This makes sense, since it's been proven through at least 20 peer reviewed studies that grounding stifles the fire of inflammation in the body.. and as we know, inflammation is the primary cause of all types of conditions, disorders and chronic diseases including Alzheimers, diabetes and heart disease.

It's not surprising that people report feeling their best when they're at the beach. For many people, this is the one time of year that their skin touches the earth. The life and vitality-giving properties of grounding are largely responsible for this great feeling. 
  • It's electric! 
We are bio-electrical beings. Our bodies are electrical machines. The heart, the lungs, the brain - are electrical equipment. 
Our cells are run by electricity. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the fuel, or energetic currency of the cell. 

When we connect to the earth, there is a transfer of electrons that slowly go into our cells and assist in the generation of ATP.
This electrical current keeps our blood moving and circulating, cells functioning optimally and bio-systems healthy and strong.

When we don't get this, our blood thickens, and is more likely to clot - and that's when inflammation increases. 
But when we do get it, inflammatory issues can improve significantly.. and sometimes immediately. 

When we're consistently connecting with the earth and grounding ourselves with it's nourishing ions, inflammation simply cannot exist in our bodies.

  • The effects of grounding have been studied and proven.
People who participated in the 20+ studies on the effects of grounding, saw significant changes and improvements in all types of conditions from TMJ to PMS to cancer. 

This is from The Journal of Environmental and Public Health in their commentary to a large study conducted on grounding:
"Grounding appears to improve sleep, normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and reduce blood viscosity." 

The authors of this study conclude in their findings:
"The living matrix (or ground regulation or tissue tensegrity-matrix system), the very fabric of the body, appears to serve as one of our primary antioxidant defense systems. As this report explains, it is a system requiring occasional recharging by conductive contact with the Earth’s surface – the “battery” for all planetary life – to be optimally effective."

This is a reminder that taking control of our health is more simple than we could ever imagine, particularly relative to what we've been conditioned to believe.
Being healthy and preventing disease really is as simple as practicing, on a consistent basis, habits like physically connecting our bodies to the earth, eating foods from the earth, finding time every day to move our bodies, regularly going within to experience silence and filling our time with activities that give us pleasure and make us happy to be alive. 

This type of information is not in the mainstream because it's not profitable, it's actually cheap or even free! 
And it could just save your life.

Get outside. Walk around barefoot. Get on all fours. Do some cat-cows. Handstands! Whatever feels good. And if your neighbors look at you funny, say "It's called grounding! Join me!"  

PS -  Grounding is even more nourishing during or right after rainfall when the ground is wet, as water acts as a conductor for the process.



Replies and idea contributions are always welcome and if you enjoy 3 Point Thursday, please forward to a friend who would enjoy it too or reply and ask me to add!

Do you experience day-to-day anxiety, have trouble sleeping, or are you managing an autoimmune condition? Or maybe you just want to supplement your diet and lifestyle to experience more full homeostasis in the mind and body..
I carry organic, full spectrum, medical grade CBD oil in my practice that can deeply address all these concerns and many more in a smooth and natural way.
I also provide consulting with schedule and dosing.
I will mail the oil to you free of charge and consulting is free as well.
Check out my previous bullets about CBD and reply to this email if you're interested in purchasing or learning more.

Know someone who could benefit from one-on-one health coaching to improve their life through simple and gradual changes to diet and lifestyle? Please feel free to introduce us via email and we can set up a free health strategy session! 

Check out my website for information about my health coaching programs.

With love,

Beth Klein

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