11-May-2020 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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After many months of work, Back2Back's trauma informed training is available online for the first time through a new website, TraumaFreeWorld! Thank you for partnering with me to help make this material accessible to everyone so that together we can reach MANY more children biblically based, holistic care.

Currently the site contains an overview course, an introductory course, and courses specifically tailored to volunteers and mission team guests. These courses will soon be available in Spanish as well.

This launch has been tough work for our team and is BIG news for us in our effort to connect kids from hard places to the freedom and purpose God has planned for them.

Celebrate with us, check out the site, and share it with others!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Leading Virtual Training

One of my responsibilities is to help train and equip leaders and teams at our sites. With both travel and budget constraints in place due to the pandemic, I have been adapting our content to a fully online environment. It's been a fun challenge to lead engaging and dynamic virtual training, and I believe it is a skill we will gain from long into the future. Our staff have responded well and I believe they are growing. If you have experience in this area I welcome your suggestions! 

Social Distancing 

This is the season of birthdays for all our kids. We've still had special times and connected with people virtually, but it reminds us just how much we miss being with all of you. Social distancing has been necessary for us all, though our kids are making sure we know they still want to have a "friend party" when gatherings are possible again. We pray you too can find fun ways to connect long distance and find enjoyment despite the things you are missing.

Prayer Requests

Please pray that:
  • TraumaFreeWorld content to be shared around the world
  • Safety for Back2Back children and staff at our sites during the pandemic
  • Creativity for how we minister in the midst of the pandemic
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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