
Clojure Weekly #7

Hello and welcome to the seventh Clojure Weekly.

Here is a round up of the past week's activity in the Clojure(Script) world. Hope you enjoy it :)


Cognitect has a message for us: put you money where your mouth is.

What is it about? - a very enthusiastic look at Clojure(Script).

Alan Dipert's talk from From EU Lisp Symposium: JavaScript Assisted Common Lisp.

Jepsen analysys of Dgraph 1.1.1.

Spec 2 experience report

Summary and exploration of Jimmy Song's Programming Bitcoin in Clojure

Write up

Community water coolers, where to find them and what are they, link.

ClojureScript's targeting is now much more flexible.

Helping small businesses one gift-card at a time, with Clojure and Hydrogen

Building a URL shortener with Redis & Clojure, link.

Clojerl Ant Simulation

Experience report on using Clara rules, link.

Yet another Component alternative - a look at the libraries in the vein of Component, Integrant & Mount

Startup time in the JDK - OpenJDK mail list discussion about JDK startup time. Specifically about a new project, Leyden.

Partition Collection Into Sequences - a look at partition, partition-all and partition-by.

Discussion over on Reddit about about the production use of ring & pedestal



Crux showcase #12 - summary of the latest development of their bitemporal database Crux.

Routing from scrach - Daniel Szmulewicz lookins at how routing in Ring applications works.


rum 0.11.5 -

glosa-server - a Disqus clone

create-reagent-app template - Updated figwheel, reagent and clj-new to latest in create-reagent-app cli template.

spire 0.1.0-alpha.6 - operations provisioning tool in Clojure has had a few fixes.

fdat - A new Clojure(Script) library for automatically serializing functions and impossible things like infinite sequences

krell - Krell supports arbitrary js/require of assets and Node.js dependencies.

Github Action to run clojure.test in babashka

martian 0.1.12 - the http abstraction library. This release adds support for: path parameters route definition spec, clj-http-lite module. Improves on: handling of additional properties, handling of open maps, remove implicit martian-httpkit dependency from martian-test.

anakondo v0.2 - an Emacs minor mode for Clojure[Script] completion without needing a connected REPL: now in MELPA, with Locals completion and Java completion.

com.wsscode/async 1.0.5 - core.async helpers library. Adds a helper to handle async try/catch on streaming processes, see:

lambdaisland/uri 1.3.45 - A pure Clojure(Script) URI library. Adds functions to deal with query strings, query-map, assoc-query, and a bugfix for how query strings are normalized

HoneyEQL 0.1.0-alpha16 - A library that enables you to query database using the EDN Query Language. Adds support for Logical Operators & Relationship Attributes in filters.

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