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We are moved to invite your participation in two important virtual gatherings -- one battling anti-Semitism, and the other celebrating Israel's 73 years of independence -- both occurring on Israel's Independence Day.  This “coincidence” is more than just a coincidence, and why we are especially proud to invite your participation in both events.

As Jewish Americans, we are uniquely well-positioned to stand up, not only as proud Americans, but as proud Jews, and take on Anti-Semitism and the related injustices of ethnic and religious hatred.  That ability has been deeply shaped by both the greatness of America at its best, and the reality of Israel at its best — by the sense of strength and pride which it’s very existence instills in many American Jews, including the sense that we can be fully at home here,  part of which is because of the fact of “there”.   

At it’s best, that feeling of renewed strength and pride, Inspires us to stand up both for ourselves and for others, embodying the Biblical promise that we, as a people, are both blessed by virtue of being us, and meant to be a blessing to others as well.  That is how Clal has always understood the best expression of Jewish power — whether in the US or in Israel — and that is why we are so honored to share the double invitation, which together helps us all to rise to that double blessing.

One of the sources for awe in this time of pandemic is modern technology. We are connecting as never before, redefining the boundaries of community, sacred space, and relationship. For the first time in our lives, we can actually be at two places at once – at home at our dining room table and at a gathering of consequence with people from around the world.

This year, American Jews can and should be at two places at once – or at least two places during the same 24 hours.

Our Senior Fellow at CLAL, Rabbi Joshua Stanton embodies much of the need to be in both places.  He is hosting the first event, devoted to combatting anti-Semitism, along with East End Temple, where he serves as Rabbi, and devotes his work at Clal to strengthening America’s religious leadership, by bringing rising leaders from Christian denominations to Israel, as Stand and See Fellows.  

When asked why he was leading the event, especially with the mounting demands he faces leading a community during this pandemic, Josh responded, “Our spiritual homeland is only as strong as its most vibrant diaspora, and our diaspora is only as strong as our spiritual homeland. Even as we recreate community online and support those who are suffering amid the pandemic, we need to stand as one pluralistic people in the United States. The vibrancy of our future is at stake, and there is much that we can do to safeguard it.”

We agree, and take pride in Josh’s leadership role.  As proud American Jews, we can stand tall in support of our fellow Jews in the United States, while taking great pride in the country that was rebirthed after our exile of nearly two millennia. Both are essential to a thriving future.

  • During a year in which we have experienced outbursts of anti-Semitism, we need to stand tall in the United States as a community that has become interwoven in the fabric of American life and deserves security and peace of mind. To that end, we invite you to join us on Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm for a program that we are co-sponsoring with Integrity First for America and East End Temple. Entitled “Taking the Violent White Supremacist Movement to Court,” it will feature reflections from some of America’s leading legal minds, who are working to bankrupt the neo-Nazis who gathered in Charlottesville in 2017 and continue to be a menace to our communities. RSVP is required.

Please join us as we live into the gift of being Jewish Americans who care deeply about Israel, by participating in these two events.

Brad and Irwin

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