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Hello friends

Here's this week's online class schedule!

Note that the classes will be available on replay on our YouTube channel, if you want to revisit them later!
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April 29th - May 3rd Schedule

Free Livestream classes via ZOOM

Ashtanga 2 with Gérald

Wed. April 29th, 10 - 11:30 AM

Gérald will guide you a little further in Primary Series (around Navasana) and will introduce you to inversions (with modification options).
In French

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Yoga Lecture with Linda 

Thu. April 30th at 8 PM

Linda will address the topic of hope, faith & trust. There will also be breathing and meditation exercises for everyone.
In English

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Strong Vinyasa with Linda

Sat. May 2nd, 10 - 11:30 AM

A more challenging Vinyasa class, but with variations given to approach and build up difficult poses.
In English

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Kriya & Pranayama with Gérald 

Sunday, May 3rd at 10 AM

A session open to participants of all levels, including beginners. Come discover the power of your breath!
Find a comfortable spot to sit on (a cushion for the floor is recommended, or a chair if sitting on the floor is difficult).
In French

Sign up

Self-Nourishing Yoga with Linda

Sunday, May 3rd at 6:30 PM

This is a class with some restorative poses in between a soft flowing class that is appropriate for all levels. Taking the time to do some deep breathing so that when it is finished you feel you have taken good care of your body, breath and mind!
In English

Sign up

AYP community: here is a great project from a yogi!

"Batch cooking" is a trend that comes to us from English-speaking countries, referring to "grouped meals", this allows you to prepare meals for a week within 3-4 hours. 

Mickael Inayately is a student from AYP who's about to start a Parisian business with his mother related to vegetarian & ethical cooking (with batch cooking and cooking classes at home). He conceived a small survey which takes 8-min to complete so he can know more about the demand & refine his project. You can help them out by taking answering a few questions, have a look!
Take the survey


Gérald, Linda, Ximena & the whole AYP team

Copyright © 2020 Ashtanga Yoga Paris, All rights reserved.

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