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Hello, FUMCPB Family!

Here is your monthly update.

During this pause, we have focused on how to move forward after the pandemic and continue to grow our unified church.  We are excited to announce that we will be changing Sunday service times!!!  During the soft reopening of the building and taking baby steps, we will have 1 in person worship service at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.  We will open the Sanctuary and CLC entrances at 10:15am.  We will be checking temperatures before guests enter the building, there will be masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer available and we will be taking every precaution possible.  However, please do what you need to do in order to feel safe.  We WILL continue to have online services.  
Max Capacity 90 People
Starting Sunday May 10th
10:30am - One in person Service(Sanctuary)

Facebook Live Traditional 9:00 am
Facebook Live Contemporary 10:30 am

Mother’s Day and In Person Worship

Mother’s Day has become one of the most special days in worship as families gather to celebrate the nurturing love of mothers by joining them in worship, taking pictures and often taking them out to eat.  This year in the Covid-19 social distancing orders, things will be different.  However, we still need to make it special to celebrate moms and the ability to worship in person on Mother’s Day.

We have been on conference calls with the Governor's Office, attended a briefing by the local health department, and are having ongoing conversations within our church leadership teams. At this moment we are planning to have our first in person worship services at 10:30 on May 10, Mother’s Day in the sanctuary.  Keep in mind that plans and guidance are changing on a daily basis.  Please note that according to the current guidelines we will be asking everyone to social distance including the following guidelines.  

  1. Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone not in your party or family grouping.
  2. We will have family seating and reserved pews in the Sanctuary.
  3. We are encouraging everyone to wear a mask for the protection of others. We have a supply on order.  No one will be forced to wear a mask, and those leading the services will not be wearing a mask while they are speaking and singing but we will be practicing social distancing.   
  4. There will not be coffee or other refreshments.
  5. Persons are asked not to gather in the lobbies or other spaces closer than 6 feet.
  6. We know it sounds hard after not seeing each other but please refrain from hugs and handshakes.
  7. We will not have Sunday school, children’s ministry or nursery.
  8. Parents are responsible for helping their children and youth practice social distancing.  Some have suggested that Dads or relatives should take the lead as a gift to Moms.  
  9. Weather permitting the doors will be open at 10:15 so you will not have to use handles.
  10. We are working to make arrangements for temperature checks on the way into worship and asking people running a temperature to please stay home.
  11. In the sanctuary, bulletins will be placed in the pews where you are encouraged to sit.
  12. In service offering baskets will be at the doors.  
  13. Just the CLC and main street doors will be open for the public.
  14. We will not have a full choir.

Plans are being made to add services and small groups a little at a time.  Baby steps for our cleaning crews and to see how the soft reopening goes.  We will continue to provide the online services and zoom studies for people to partake in and we encourage everyone to be safe.  The office will be back on regular schedule starting May 4, but the doors will require you to buzz in for safety and social distancing control in the building.  We do not want anyone to do something that you are uncomfortable with and no one will judge your personal choices.   
Any small group wanting to meet will need to submit a plan to the church office including how you plan to social distance.  This will allow for groups to start meeting and our cleaning staff to keep the building clean and disinfected.  

I can’t wait to see everyone in person and hear the sounds of people lifting our voices in praise together in the same space.  I however will not be greeting people and creating groupings, jams or slowdowns on your way in or out of the building.  It will be a joyful noise.  God’s spirit is moving and we will be able to celebrate the amazing love of God and our church family as we gather in our different places to worship.  

This is an exciting first step,
Your Pastor,

FUMC has 2 seniors graduating this year.
Featuring Savannah Gill and Faith Littrell
Savannah Gill is a graduating senior at Neelyville and plans to attend TRC this fall.  She will continue her education to become a teacher.  She's been an active member of FUMY all 4 years of HS. Youth pastor, Amanda Gowen, says, "She's been an integral part of organization within the group, and is always willing to help with no prompting required. She's innovative and has a very bright future with Jesus at the core."
Faith Littrell is a graduating senior at Twin Rivers.  She has already completed a semester of college and plans on finishing her general studies at TRC with an A+ scholarship. Afterward, she aspires to go to Columbia College in Columbia, MO to study criminal justice administration and pre law. Faith says, “I am still finding my way in my future but, I want to work with detectives and figure out why criminals act the way they do and do actions based on mental illnesses. “
Amanda Gowen says, “She’s been a new addition to our youth group, but is incredibly dedicated to attending FUMY and growing her relationship with God. She’s been such a blessing to all those who look up to her.”
Church Council Meeting Notes
Blake Buchanan, our NexGen Pastor, has taken a job with the University of Missouri Extension Office and will be moving to ¼ time starting May 1st.  Blake will continue to lead the Journey service and our NexGen Ministries.  He will not have daytime office hours after the change.  You can still reach him at his church e-mail or by phone and text.   
The church has received a PPP loan to protect the salaries of the staff and operation of the building.  Thanks to everyone's generous giving, we have been able to keep all bills current and are preparing to reopen the building given all current guidelines.  
The council in conversation with the pastor, lifted up the great work this past year of having professions of faith and baptisms, which are very uncommon for traditional churches of our size, and the way we are raising up new leaders and new staff.  We set goals for this coming appointment year including leading through the current Covid-19 crisis, redeveloping our heart of reaching out to new people and our community, and developing generative leaders who develop new leaders.  

To keep our small groups up and running, several of them will be meeting through Zoom. 
  • Sunday Small Group - Sundays at 9:30am. Please contact Kevin Wheeler,
  • Phoenix Sunday School - Sundays at 9:45 am.  ID#2894141675  Password: Phoenix. Contact Keith Berry.
  • Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study- Tuesdays at 10:00am. ID#941183734  Password:  TBS. Contact Sandie Price, 573-429-8082.
  • Jim Dillie's Men's Bible Study - EVERY Wednesday at 8:00am. Contact Pastor David at 
  • FUMY Small Group - Wednesdays at 5:00pm. Contact Amanda.
  • Adult Small Group - Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Contact Blake at
  • Adult Women's Small Group - Meeting weekly, days vary.  Contact Amanda
  • Others may be available and we will communicate them as we can
If you would like to be part of a Small Group or would like more information on how your group can meet via Zoom, please contact the church office. 
The Phoenix Sunday school class song books are missing.  There were 2 sets; an older brown paperback version, and a new yellow spiral version.  If you have any knowledge of where these song books have went, will you please contact the church office?  If you happen to have 1 of these songs books, will you please return it?  Books can be brought to the church office, or you can place individual books in the drop/mailbox out side.
Thank you

Agency to Host Panel on Faith and Science

As part of its E-Resources program, the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry will host an online panel, "Coronavirus at the Crossroads of Faith and Science," on Thursday, April 30, at 11 a.m. For more information go to
Tom Allen, Ralph Allison, Rick Allison, Shay Amoss, Troy Amoss, Dan Barbour, Adam Barker, Syreda Barwick, Elizabeth Beaird, Maggie Brooks, Gracie Cooper, Lilly Crawford, Ryan Davis, Michelle Elder, Elizabeth Fortner, Luke French, Maddie Gillihan, Azariah Gonzalez, Melody Gonzalez, Remington Gragg, Jason Hester, Darren Hillis, Vicky Hoover, Josh Ivy, Jillian Jackson, Pat Jakylovich, Paul Johnson, Mary Louise Jones, Kayla Laird, Jayson Marquis, Joe Marquis, Randy Miller, Jackson Moore, Louis Nimon, Trae Norton III, Jackson Patty, John Patty, Luke Pelton, Corey Poteet, Sheldon Price, Laine Schalk, Denise Schuerenberg, Dana Schuermann, Drew Schuermann, Joey Shoemaker, Gale Spencer, David Stewart, John Stout, Law Summers, Trevor Sutton, Gretchen Thom, Jerrad Webster, Cameron West, Gaelen White, Leta White, Annaleese Williams, Abby Wilson, Sherry Wilson, Debbie Winters, Nancy Wujcik, and Maribel Zimmerman
Cable TV broadcast on channel 18 NewWave, Sunday at 8:00 am.

Sunday Services on Facebook Live, at 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
We hope that you will join us and invite or share the message with your friends and family! 
Watch Facebook Live!
Sermons are posted to our website every Monday.
Watch Recorded Sermons
Our Contact Information
Office Hours:  Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Our mailing address is:
500 N. Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Phone:  (573) 785-1439 | Email:
Copyright © 2020 | First United Methodist - Poplar Bluff | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
500 N. Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Phone:  (573) 785-1439 | Email:

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