Hello Master <<First Name>>,
I'm writing these lines on May Day,

thinking about work, balance, labor, liberation, equality, egalitarianism...

Now, on these days.

When the term "work" is so fluidic and vague,
broadly touching physical, emotional and mental edges,
open and raw, fictile, moldable.

How much are we dedicated to our soul work -
live up to our deep true values,
actualize our gifted, authentic self?

And how much of our time is invested in ego work -
show, prove, appease, fix, justify, hide, control...

How much inner freedom do we really practice?   
Originally, I planned that we dive together into Self Love.

That innate, quiet love,
that so many are longing for,
not knowing how to tap into its warm, compassionate realm,
where to start. 
How does self love looks like? What does it even mean? 
And how do I get to really love myself... Sometimes, it seems so far, doesn't it.

But then, with the May Day prologue coming up,
I realized that everything we want to experience and practice in life -
from self confidence, self love, good health, ease, happiness,
through harmonious relationships, bright communication, serenity, joy, 
to abundance, fulfillment, manifestation, self actualization -

starts with inner freedom.

There is so much to say,
and we will definitely go back to both of them,
today, and on the emails to come.

But first, let me invite you into a little imaginary trip.

Imagine you were born and raised on an isolated island.

(If it reminds you of the isolated island you are at right now,
enjoy the giggle and start again (-:    ).

So, you were cheerfully born and raised and still live
on a magnificent, paradise-like isolated island.

The only human being, a marvelous and unique creature,
content and fulfilled,
one with nature and mother earth.

You were conceived and developed inside a safe closed flower,
and when time came, it gently let you out,
mature enough and ready to savor the juices of life.

This story has a good easy end, just like it begun.
So serenely experience the flow, the harmony, the joy, the freedom.

Surrounded by your close trustworthy friends, loving family and loyal allies:
The trees, the sun, the animals, the grass, the sea, the birds,
you spend your time together,
play, rest, explore and discover,
teach and learn from each other all the funny and the meaningful things.

Aware and attentive to the guidance of your healthy instincts,
to your skillful body, to your loving heart,
to your divine omnipotent soul,
you are naturally devoted to nurturing and taking care of yourself,
to sense, feel, experience and thrive.

Every new morning brings new adventures,
and excited and curious,
everything is open and possible,
you live your bubbly blissful life
to its full tremendous radiant potential.

Stay there... How are you feeling?

Can you feel the freedom? The expansion inside?

How easy is it, at that peaceful environment,
to grow to your full marvelous greatness,
to experience self confidence, self trust,
self connection, self love?

How close it is... and still,

why can't we live from this place all the time??

That which stands between us and our dream life,

is always the same.

The substance from which every inner gap is made,
every mental-emotional suffering, illusion, drama, obsession.
Every guilt, hope, shame, disappointment, blame, anger, fear.
Every smallness, every arrogance,
and even excitement, pride, satisfaction.

All which is not a total here and now,
a full presence, a pure being.

It's tricky, shadowy, outwitting, cunning...

Could you already guess?

This mystery element

In a continuous inner re-education process,

starting from day one, as babies,
(and maybe even minus nine months, if you may...)
designed to ensure we stay unite with our caregivers -
from parents, and family, to teachers, and society - "The Big Caregiver" -
that we blend in, and are liked and chosen,

and because of the way our initial reality was created -
attracted and built through the karmic injury,
which is opposite to the unconditional loving quality of the soul,

we learned that what and who we originally are
doesn't fit the way things work in this world.

Dismissing and neglecting our mighty, abundant, skillful soul,
our uniqueness, superpowers, brilliant creativity,
our childlike curiosity, openness, cheerfulness and innocence, 
we trained ourself into an alternative operating system -
the one of the the logical protective ego,
constantly updated with new externally accepted and expected behaviors.

Which we have been unconsciously eager to fulfill,
and then demand others to fulfill,

fully adopted, and related to, as if they were ours,
to prevent inner conflicts and promote development and thriving,

assuring and reinforcing a sense of belonging, acceptance,
validation and safety.

Does it feel authentic, or natural?

Not necessarily.

And can actually involve a lot of effort, exhaustion,
and feelings of emptiness, pointless and frustration.

And among guilt, worry, anger, resentment,
loneliness, disrespect and rejection,

how much can we even love ourself??

it's safe.

And what can be more important than that.

How, what, why, when...

We will speak a lot about everything, for sure.
For today, we just want to realize,
that -

at the ultimate saturation point,

at too much and no more and that's it,
at suffocation, breakdown and explosion,

this is where the journey into inner freedom and self love begins.

Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

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