
Tips and resources during COVID-19

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Keep workplaces safe and healthy during the pandemic.
As Oregon starts preparing workplaces to reopen, learn what measures you can put in place to prevent exposure, and protect employees.  

Make your plan
Make your plan: Here's a step-by-step guide to clean your facility, teach your employees how to stop the spread of disease, and reduce exposures. 
OSHA rules
OSHA rules: Oregon OSHA has issued temporary changes effective March 1-June 30 on safety committees and meetings, quarterly inspections, and training and certifications. Learn more. 
PPE is the last line of defense
PPE is the last line of defense: Personal protective equipment will help workers minimize exposure to injuries and illness. It should be inspected each shift, at minimum, to ensure good working condition. Employees should be trained at donning and doffing gear. Get guidance from Oregon OSHA and other resources here.
A note on masks
A note on masks: The CDC recommends the use of cloth face coverings in public settings in addition to social distancing measures. The CDC recommends that surgical masks and N95 respirators be reserved for health care workers and other medical first responders. 
Visit for more resources Oregon businesses can access during the pandemic. 
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