April Update from AAA Play 

Sport has the power to bring us together, and that has never been more obvious than now. At AAA Play we have been constantly amazed and impressed by the programs and resources that our partners are creating, which so many participants are enjoying together. We may not be able to play in the same place, but we are certainly playing together. 

There are online virtual training sessions, dance challenges, free online programs, skills and drills being shared over social media, and so much more. There are so many opportunities for connection through sport and physical activity, and it's helping to keep us not only physically fit and healthy, but supports our mental health as well. 

(Talking about health, if you need some extra resources to support yourself, your family or your colleagues, VicHealth has an awesome Resource Hub where they are sharing heaps of advice and information).

Finally, a call out. If you know of any awesome resources or programs that are online and accessible for people to do in their homes, please email and we can spread the word, to make sure everyone has plenty to keep them active and engaged. 

In the Spotlight

Looking back: April 29th - International Dance Day

It's not too late... Join Special Olympics and AAA Play to show the world how the Special Olympics movement stays fit AND connected through the joy of dance. Even though we are physically distancing, everybody can choose to include by inviting people of all abilities to come together on social media for a worldwide moment of connection!

Click here for more info. 

If you prefer to be guided through the dance, why not join Dance and Roll for their Thursday evening dance class over Zoom?

Click here for more info.

Find an Activity

Virtual Goalball Training
Training together online is the best. It helps keep you motivated to work out, and you get to catch up with your friends at the same time! Skip the next trivia session, and join in on Goalball's weekly virtual training - all welcome!

Details can be found here

SJI Autism and Carer Support online yoga classes
We're in the middle of a potentially stressful and anxious period, and we all need to take some time out for ourselves. SJI Autism and Carer Support Services are helping carers with online yoga classes specifically designed to support mental health. 

Details can be found here

Strength 4 Disability
Episode 2 is out now! Strength 4 Disability has put together a video series by Brenton - trainer with a disability, for people with disabilities- to help you get strong and fit in the comfort of your own home.

Details can be found here

News & Events

Ampubox and Chair Box now online 

Our friends the Brizzie Brothers are helping us stay fit, strong, and active. If you've ever wanted to try boxing, now is the time. 

Click here for more information.

Specialist Hoops

Specialist Hoops Basketball Melton is an organisation that started in order to give kids with disability a chance to enjoy the game of basketball, in a safe and fun learning environment, where they can be themselves without fear of being judged. 

Now they are sharing videos so that we can keep up our skills at home. 

Click here for more information.

Pegasus Project

You may have caught up with Disability Sport Victoria's Pegasus Project in our Let's Learn About, but in case you missed these awesome resources teaching fundamental motor skills to children on the autism spectrum and children in wheelchairs, here they are again. 

Click here to for more information.

10 Fun & Accessible Apps

Sometimes, we need a break from physical exercise, and games and apps can be a great way to relax. Here are 10 apps from Disability Horizons for people with disabilities that you may not have heard of before. 

Click here for more information.

AAA Ambassador News
This week we posted our answer to Reclink Australia's footy challenge here. We nominated our AAA Play Ambassadors to have a go trying to kick a footy or any ball into a bin, and Sonny took up the challenge! 

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for the full video.
For any further information on the programs featured please go to or call us on 1800 222 842. 
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AAA Play is an initiative supported by the Victorian Government.

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