RAW CrossFit

Hi *|FNAME|*,

In an effort to serve you better, and ensure that the positive environment that we are all creating remains sustainable into the future, there will be some minor changes taking place at RAW CrossFit.

CrossFit is more than just a fitness program. We are a community, and in order to maintain that community we need to interact and develop friendships and relationships with each other. Thus the first change that will be made at RAW will be ending the open gym concept.

Change1) In order to encourage member interaction you will no longer be able to drop in for a solo workout.** This may impact the schedule of a few of you, but it is not feasible for me to give 10 classes everyday to only 1 person. If 1-on-1 attention is something you would like, then we can peruse a personal training option (contact me for more information).

There are plenty of available class times 6:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm and 6:00pm. Classes will start promptly at those times, so please be on-time.

This move is also an effort to ensure everyone is getting the proper coaching you all deserve. With dedicated class times, I and future trainers will be able to properly prepare for each class and ensure much more uniform experience.

Change 2) Plastic water-bottles are not permitted in the gym. No exceptions.

There is a water fountain in the gym for your use, and there are a myriad of options for reusable containers out there (a shiny new RAW CrossFit water-bottle perhaps?). Penetanguishene has some of the cleanest drinking water in the world. Take advantage of it. Beside the fact that you are paying a ridiculous premium for bottled water, tests show that most of it is no cleaner than tap water. In addition there are many studies linking plastic water-bottles to high bloodstream levels of hormone altering chemicals. Not good.

We have a social responsibility to reduce our waste as much as possible. Please set an example and start bringing a re-usable container.

Change 3) Swipe Cards. You will all be getting a swipe card that you can leave at the gym. In order to track attendance better, we will begin the practice of signing-in to classes and On-Ramp sessions. I will use a classical conditioning procedure to enforce this habit. I will check the attendance record before each class, and anyone not signed in will have to do 15 burpees.

I will also be posting a video on the website detailing how to sign yourselves in online. As class sizes grow, the time may come when we will have to set a limit one the amount of people who can attend each class.  We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it however.

I hope these changes aren’t too much of an inconvenience. RAW CrossFit has had the good fortune to experience above average growth numbers, and in order to manage this growth, some systemization needs to take place.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. The more feedback the better. This is YOUR gym. If there is something you want to see happen, or a service you would like offered. Let me know and I will do my best to make it happen.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate all the support and encouragement you have all offered, and I look forward to watching our community grow and flourish. Keep spreading the word!

On a side note, the snow/ice on the roof of the gym has been coming down in sheets lately. I would not advise parking too close to the building, or you may have an icicle sticking out of your sunroof when you finish your WOD. Also, start thinking about your “Attainable”, “Challenging”, and “Lofty” goals. The Goal Board will be going up this week.

**Note: Change #1 only affects current RAW CrossFit Members. If you are in the On-Ramp Program, session times will be based around YOUR schedule.

See you all this week,

Devin Glage


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