2019/2020 Issue 30
Editor: Virág Kiss
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A Note from the Head Teacher 

Dear Readers,

I hope you are all keeping well!

Next week we will have our graduating students back in the school to take their Matura exam. We are very excited for them and also preparing the school to make sure it is safe and comfortable for them.

We would like to invite you to keep sharing your online learning experiences, we would love to hear from you and also see some photos of our students which we can show on our Facebook page.

Hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Until next week kind regards,

Ms. Gabriella Gidró 
We invite you to follow us on Facebook and visit our website!
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Music is an important part of our lives. It helps us to express emotions by singing, dancing. 29th of April is the International Day of Dance and the 30th of April is the International Jazz Day, so we asked our students to describe what music means to them. Here are some of their answers:

Music is important for many different reasons. Music is how the composer expresses their feelings for the listeners. Music can ease stress. It’s good for relaxation and it can help keep your mind off of things. There are many different types of music. Each person has a different taste in music. Different types of music can be played at different occasions and celebrations. For meditation, they use calming music just as a background. The music at parties is usually loud and is mostly hip-hop, pop or rap. At churches they have choruses and choirs. Without music, the world would be dull. There is music all around us and sometimes we don’t even notice it. Music helps me relax and put me in a good mood. 

Barnabás Szalontai - 9th grade

Music is very important in our world, it inspires people’s imagination, unleashes the temper and brings diversity. It has already been a vital part of our life. People say if you carry an instrument with you and play it on the street in another country, despite there’s a language barrier, you still can communicate with them and tell people how you feel, because music is the best language to express. Music also can carry memory, sometimes you just need a piece of song to conserve your memorable memory. Every time you listen to it, it evokes so much story whether it was sorrowful or cheerful. Music has the power to change a person, it also can unite people together or let a person cry for a whole night and give people the hope to reinvigorate. Music means quite a lot to me, I’m the person who likes to listen to music very much. Each song in my phone carried a lot of my memories.I also started to learn my second instrument. I think playing music is a marvelous hobby to do in leisure time, and meanwhile, to enrich more colour into your own world. 

Jiang Zihan - 9th grade

The authors are:
Zsófia Jánosi, Benjamin Magda, Viktória Paljekov, Mira Mahboub, Stasinopoulou Mariliza, Szofi Sándor, Panna Szepesházi, Péter Zentai
Digital week in SEK Budapest
Every year the DPMK (Digital Pedagogical Methodology Center) organizes the Digital Theme Week to promote and disseminate the methodology of digital pedagogy in public education. The most important aim of this program is to extend digital competence development beyond the IT classes to other subjects as well.
We organized the week of digital projects in our school from the 30th March to the 3rd of April. Our students worked on several interesting projects during the week such as making a video book based on Kálmán Mikszáth’s well-known novel, designing thematic maps, composing digital music, doing home experiments with light, as well as making narrated presentations as if they were digital historians of the 21st century.

As part of their digital projects, the 10th grade students created digital learning materials, something that has recently become part of the daily life of every student and teacher all around the world. As one of them, I must admit that designing e-learning materials can be quite a challenge sometimes, especially if we aim to keep the interest and enthusiasm alive.
During the digital week, the 10th graders explored how Western imperialism extended in Africa, in the Muslim World, in India and in China during the 19th century, after which they cooperatively developed e-learning materials for assisting fellow students’ work in history class. The diversity of the projects speaks a lot about the creativity of our students. One of my favourite learning materials is an educational video created by Boris Fanni, Gemela Kitti, Konrádi Kíra and Nagy Mercédesz. They worked on the topic of imperialism in India and put together a slideshow on the basic concepts of imperialism and how India was affected by the British Raj. They recorded the narration of the slideshow individually, then they edited the audio together but instead of using ambiance for a smoother cut, they used vibrant background music which ultimately made the video more energetic and interesting. This unique use of music made me realise how small things can mean a great addition to our digital learning experience.

Erzsébet Árvay - History teacher

The topic chosen by the 8th grade for their digital project was „Lighting”, their major goal being to link electricity with optics which are the main topics in the curriculum of 8th grade. Under normal circumstances the students would have conducted further experiments in the classroom, but in light of the circumstances, they still managed to create extremely creative and interesting projects.
From the many great projects we chose the ones were created by Tajvand Saniya, Baek Ji Eun and Tőkészki Dániel. Considering the fact that nowadays we are lacking personal or physical contact and cooperations so much, I was glad that they could work together.
Their group executed four experiments in total. In the first one, they tried to light up a bulb by the chemical reaction of potatoes and metal wires. As it occurs even with the greatest physicists, it didn’t work. (The bulb needed a higher voltage.) Despite this, I don’t believe it discouraged them. For their optical experiment, they explained how to make an optical illusion. In another experiment they used a glass of water as a convex lens.
I truly hope they will continue to partake in experiments in the future because „Physics is fun!”.

Maria Nahaj - Physics Teacher

Kálmán Mikszáth’s world-famous novel was presented by the 7th graders through a group-made video book. They worked together online as an efficient team sharing tasks among one another. A scenic cover was designed by Laura Czuni, while Johanna Jenei acted out a scene from the book, and  Nagy Ninon and her sister shot another important part of the book on the roof of their house dressed up as young ladies of the 19th century. A narrated cartoon animation was created by Zoé Oberle, Eszter Almási and Panka Gesztesi who also worked together to visualize some scenes of the novel. Gergő Kaszai and Ye Fauna narrated a video game, which was used as the end of the popular masterpiece of Mikszáth.

Global problems have been visualized through digital maps created by the 11th graders. The main goal of their project was to highlight and make serious issues visible rather than hide them. From starvation to overpopulation, pollution, and natural disasters; even the spread of the Covid-19 virus was put on maps. The students worked together as a team online and  the tasks were shared amongst themselves. Truly the incredible result of their hard work speaks for itself:

Earth Week in the Preschool (at home)

It was another busy week of online learning in the preschool. This week we celebrated Earth Day with a whole week of learning about planet earth and how to protect it for future generations.

P3 made Earth Day books, identified the different materials that can be recycled at home and made toys from recycled materials.

P2 found recyclable material around the house, made Earth puzzles and space ships from recycled materials. 

P1 learnt all about the three R’s, reduce, reuse and recycle. We learnt about  plastics, metals, paper and glass which can all be recycled. We also looked at Earth from a distance, it's colours and shape and made our own earth from recycled materials.

One of the integral parts of all IB Literature courses is Works in Translation. This month we have had the pleasure of being introduced to a prolific Japanese author,  Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, and transported to uncharted territory in his novella “A Cat, A Man and Two Women”. The plot is simple: a fierce battle over who gets the cat in a less than amicable divorce. 

Emily LeBlanc - IB teacher

Thanks to the 11IB English Lit students, Lily, the voiceless feline force of the story is finally given a voice: 

Where is the big person who used to give me fish and have fun with me?Who is that? Another person? No, I need my fish. Fail to recognize the way back home is a big mistake, maybe I am too old. Ok, I give up. I shall just go back and eat whatever I get. It’s just too tiresome. It’s not bad here and I can get everything I need. Oh, that big person comes, has he got me some fish? He is leaving with nothing left, what a sad news. Damn, it seems I have to stay here forever.

Edward Chen

Meow Fatty,

For a puny feline (as you now categorize me), I have journeyed against the
odds of nature to reach my destination of love, that is you. Contrary to
popular belief, I do have feelings and emotions, so as much as it pains me to
purr this to you, I have no choice but to do so. I am happy with Shinako now. I
am being well taken care of and we seem to have acquired each other’s
essence. My tiny heart was shattered into pieces when I was given away.
Now you should know that since I lurk around in every corner of our house
(that is my old house) I know that the armour you wore in the battle for my
custody was weak. It crumbled quicker than I did. I still love you and I always
will, but if I need to look out for myself, then the chapter of my life that
includes you, must come to an end. I will move on and so will you. Time will

Mayuri Sriram 


Kedves Olvasók!

Talán emlékeznek, a múlt héten elkezdtünk egy sorozatot, amiben azt kértem diákjaimtól, írják, formálják át Dragomán György, Nem éltél igazán, amíg... kezdetű versét saját képükre, megmutatva saját érzéseiket, lelküket, gondolataikat, apró, finom kis rezdüléseiket. Az előző számban a végzős diákok alkotásait olvashatták, most a 10-es évfolyam tanulóinak versei következnek. 
Nagy Mercédesz és Sárközi Anna magyarul, Anya Babenkova és Ana Camila Robles Bernal pedig angolul írta meg a saját változatát.
Fejes Boglárka nem épp az útmutatásaimat követte, de ettől szép a kamaszlélek és az irodalom, hogy úgy is lehet valami maradandót, személyeset, értékeset létrehozni, hogy eltérünk a tanári útmutatástól, s a saját utunkat járjuk. Így született meg Bogi verse, ami nagyon jól ábrázolja, hogyan éreznek szeretett diákjaink a mai nem könnyű napokban. Mondhatnám, verse egy igazi kamaszos karantén helyzetjelentés. Köszönöm neki és a többieknek is a mindig megkapó őszinteséget, frissességet, hogy megmutatták önmaguk, s hogy engedték, én is megmutassam őket. Aki pedig szomorkodna, hogy véget ér a "sorozat", ne tegye, vannak még megosztásra váró versek a classroomban, így a következő 2-3 számban még biztosan tudunk mutatni ilyen kis kincseket.

Vereckei Réka - magyartanár

Nagy Mercédesz - Nem éltél igazán amíg…
Nem sírtál a nevetéstől
Nem tettél jót olyannal, akinek az felbecsülhetetlen volt
Nem lovagoltál a naplementében
Nem álltál a dobogó legfelső fokán és érezted azt, hogy megérte 
Nem voltál fent egész éjjel nézve az eget és azt, ahogy felkel a nap
Nem ölelt vissza szorosabban olyan valaki, aki fontos neked
Nem leptek meg valamivel, amire titokban vágytál
Nem hívott fel valaki, csak hogy jó éjszakát kívánjon
Nem sírtad vagy nevetted el magad egy zenén, amiről eszedbe jutott egy emlék
Nem zuhantál be az ágyba hulla fáradtan
Nem érezted, hogy mennyire jó, amikor megfordítod a párnádat a hideg oldalára
Nem szaladtál ki és feküdtél bele a hóba mezítláb
Nem találtál meg valamit, amit régóta kerestél
Nem kerültél bajba valamiért
Nem feküdtél oda a lovad mellé a boxban
Nem csináltál valamit, amitől félsz, de ami egyben izgalommal tölt el
Nem vágtattál a semmi közepén a lovaddal és érezted azt, hogy szabad vagy
Nem táncoltál egyedül a szobádban a kedvenc zenéidre
Nem álmodtál úgy, hogy végig tudtad, hogy álmodsz
Nem éltél amíg nem vesztettél el valakit, akit szeretsz
Nem éltél, amíg nem érezted azt, hogy anyukádat is elveszíted.
Sárközi Anna Zsófia – Nem éltél igazán, amíg…
Nem éltél igazán, amíg…
Világot nem láttál és saját talpadra nem álltál
Nem ismertél olyan embert, akiben igaz barátot lelhetsz
Nem láttál naplementét, napfelkeltét és élvezted a tiszta égbolt csendjét
Nem tettél úgy, ahogy kedved tartja
Nem építettél hóvárat vagy éppen hószéket,
Nem kezdtél el biliárdozni, csak azért, mert tetszik
Nem ittál bele a tiszta forrás vizébe
Nem jártál a hegyekben
Nem úsztál delfinekkel
Nem ízleltél új ízeket és tapasztaltad meg a gasztronómia gyönyörét
Nem láttad a tiszavirágok röpke táncát
Nem tettél olyat, amit más nem mert volna
Nem éltél igazán, amíg mindezt és még többet át nem éltél te magad.
Fejes Boglárka – Cím nélkül
Fejemben egyre csak cikáznak a gondolatok,
poénokat most csak magamban mormolhatok.
Be vagyok zárva,
s a helyek száma,
ahova mehetek, lecsökkent párra.
Már a sulit is nagyon hiányolom, 
sokat gondolkodom a diákokon.
Napi programomat általában az önsajnálat tölti ki,
most visszasírom a napokat, mikor még vidáman járhattam ki.
Nem látom a végét ennek az egésznek,
ez a legrosszabb dolog az egészben.
Néha már úgy érzem kezdem elfogadni helyzetem, 
magam lenyomni akkor sem engedem.
De azért nagyon remélem,
ezen a nyáron is bulizhatok barátaimmal szerényen. 
Ülök az asztalnál szemben a tükörképem,
úgy érzem megtaláltam legkedvesebb énem.
Anya Babenkova - You didn’t really live until...
You didn’t really live until...
You never hiked up a hill and see the view you worked so hard to see, inhaling the crisp air
You never walked along the beach at night, seeing the jet-black sky around you, feeling like you could see the whole universe 
You never sat down for lunch, your clothes being soaked by your still-wet swimsuit you wore to the beach
You never heard the rain and thunder crashing against your window while you were smothered in your sheets
You never told your parents you loved them
You never found a book so good, you would stay up all night reading it, craving more
You never had your first kiss
You never had your first love
You never had your heart broken
You never laughed at something that used to bother you so much before, finally feeling free
You never played your favorite song at full volume in your car, singing along with your friends
You never went to the bathroom during a party, smiling to yourself, feeling giddily 
You never graduated from school, having all your hard work finally awarded
You never married the love of your life, ready to spend eternity with them
You never had a puppy tackle you and lick your face, full of love
You never traveled to your dream destination 
You never bought that top you really wanted
You never had a sleepover with your friends and couldn’t stop laughing to the point where your stomach hurt
You never had someone tell you they loved you were here for you
You never had a snowball fight as a child, your hands in pain from the cold snow, but your mind not having a care in the world
You never lived until you cried your eyes out, but slowly, day by day, felt better.
Ana Camila Robles Bernal - You didn’t really live until…
You didn’t really live until…
You’ve gotten your heart broken at least once,
You’ve snuck out until 6am hoping your parents hadn’t noticed,
You’ve lost some of your friends in the process of growing up,
You’ve done something for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you,
You’ve been in love,
You’ve found yourself,
You’ve gone to the park with your friends,
You’ve spent a wonderful holiday with your family,
You’ve cried over and over for someone who didn’t deserve you,
You’ve made a massive mistake,
You’ve kept a secret for a long period of time,
You’ve lied to someone you love and deeply regretted it,
You’ve had the glistering sun seeping into your skin on a hot day,
You’ve spent too much time getting ready for a date,
You’ve acted like everything was okay when it really wasn’t,
You’ve completely lost the motivation to do anything,
You’ve said I love you and not meant it.

C.S.I. English Teacher Kidnapped
Third year Secondary Students to the rescue
During last week's English classes we carried out a great project. We had to pretend to be C.S.I. agents to solve a mystery in groups. It was a lot of fun since every time we solved enigmas (which were from all our subjects) the teacher gave us a clue, until we finally discovered the mystery. Andrea López Sánchez 3rd C
We participated from home in the search for our English teacher who had been kidnapped. The activity involved solving several enigmas and racking our brains together to get the clues we needed to find out who the kidnappers were, why the crime had been perpetrated and where the victim was being held. After solving them, we had to record a conclusion and send it to our teacher. It was great fun because it allowed us to work in groups, interview witnesses and possible culprits, and discuss with our classmates what had happened and who was guilty. Rodrigo García Dieguez 3rd A
On receiving a video from our English teacher in which she told us she had been kidnapped by one of our teachers we rushed to her aid. The first day we received two maps of Vimianzo, the place where our Galician Language teacher comes from. So we decided to interrogate her.
The next day we received some audios and other clues, but some of them were red herrings to mislead us. Although we thought about it a lot, we couldn't find a logical answer to this kidnapping.
The last day we received the most important clues for our investigation, some audios and a piece of paper with the word “AGRA” written, which were crucial. After so much thinking and talking with some of our teachers, we concluded that it was a gang! Yes, two people did this kidnapping, our Galician Language teacher and our Physics and Chemistry teacher. Also we concluded that they were hiding her at the Muiño da Agra, in Vimianzo.
We had the names of the kidnappers and where she was, but we needed to answer another question, why did they kidnap her? We continued thinking and we revised all the clues. And finally we concluded that she was kidnapped because she won the Euromillón!
This was a great and fun experience and a very big challenge for us. I’d like to congratulate our English teacher María Posse because she ́s done some excellent work in creating this activity for us. Also to all teachers that participated creating the enigmas and answering all of our questions. Thank you!! Eduardo Carreira Pérez 3rd C
Colegio Internacional Eirís
Home Learning
Virtual learning with Mrs Ives
Daniel participates in Mrs Ives Reception virtual lesson.
Year 5's - Make Rainbows

 Mr Tranter asked Class 5  to create rainbows either using chromtography or go outside and explore what they could find to create a rainbow! Below are just some of the results.
Grantham Preparatory International School


SEK Budapest International School
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131.
phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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