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5th Sunday of Easter (Year A)
10TH MAY 2020


Still in the season of Easter, we come together to celebrate the goodness and power of our God, made known to us in Jesus’ victory over death and sin. He is our risen Lord and we come to worship him.


Acts 6:1-7 Today the Acts of the Apostles detail the selection and ordination of deacons in the early Christian community.
1 Peter 2:4-9 Saint Peter uses an image from the building trade and speaks of Jesus as the cornerstone on which all depends.
John 14:1-12 Saint John’s Gospel presents Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life.


The full Mass readings for today and for the next seven days can be found here courtesy of universalis.comThe Universalis app for Android and iOS provides offline access to all Mass and Divine Office texts for the complete liturgical cycle on your mobile device for a one-off cost of £9.99.


Do not let your hearts be troubled.

Today’s readings speak powerfully of faith, hope and trust in God.
Corrie ten Boom had plenty of cause for worry over the course of her lifetime. During World War II, she, along with her father and sister, provided a refuge in their home for a number of Jewish friends, playing a pivotal role in the Dutch ‘underground’ who sheltered Jewish people. Their home was eventually raided and the entire family arrested, her father dying in prison and her sister in a concentration camp. Corrie was sent to a series of camps but was released, and afterwards told her story in a book called ‘The Hiding Place’. Corrie’s heart must have been troubled, often, but her strong faith sustained her and became the lens through which she viewed her life story: ‘Every experience God gives us, every person he puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see.’

Today’s readings speak powerfully of faith, hope and trust in God.
Last Thursday The Queen delivered a poignant message to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day - praising the nation’s response to the coronavirus outbreak that has filled empty streets with “love and care”. As she remembered Britain’s Second World War sacrifices and the “joyous celebrations” that followed the end of fighting in Europe, she paid tribute to the positive qualities of our country. The tireless efforts of NHS staff, care and key workers, and communities helping the vulnerable, reflected a nation “those brave soldiers, sailors and airmen would recognise and admire.” She highlighted the message of Victory in Europe Day that resonates with the country’s plight today - “Never give up, never despair”. In her message: ‘The wartime generation knew that the best way to honour those who did not come back from the war, was to ensure that it didn’t happen again. The greatest tribute to their sacrifice is that countries who were once sworn enemies are now friends, working side by side for the peace, health and prosperity of us all. Today it may seem hard that we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish. Instead we remember from our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty; they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. And when I look at our country today, and see what we are willing to do to protect and support one another, I say with pride that we are still a nation those brave soldiers, sailors and airmen would recognise and admire’. She delivered a message of hope, saying if we remained resolute in the face of the outbreak “we will overcome it”.

Today’s readings speak powerfully of faith, hope and trust in God.
The majority of us will never have to deal with as desperate a situation as Corrie’s or encourage a nation with hope. But we have our own anxieties, whether big or small, especially during this Covid-19 Virus. I’m sure last week we have all had lots of experiences where we encounter some form of anxiety. Last week my dad took a fall in the bathroom, cut his head and another cut down the side of his face. After a while realised that he had taken a stroke. Sadly, I am not allowed to visit him. I phoned the ward at the weekend, at first the nurse said YES, it was okay to come in but then I was phoned to cancel this request by a senior nurse. We have to accept what they think.

This was really frustrating for my dad, as he can’t understand why there are no visitors, but more alarming for him was not being able to receive the Blessed Sacrament and the anointing for the sick. He had an infection which caused him some confusion, and with a little memory loss he keeps forgetting that the nurses have told him ‘You’re not well so stay in bed, hence he ends up falling as he tries to get out of bed – forgetting what he’s been told! When some of the family phone he is on top form and when others phone he is confused and bewildered! He’s in the best place at the moment. Mum is coping and we all reach out to help her where ever possible. So, as we find ourselves experiencing a sense of uncertainty and vulnerability, that’s where faith comes in –that’s where we have to think positive and raise our heads in belief for tomorrow. That’s where the power of prayer comes in – and what better prayer than the rosary during this month of May.

Today’s readings speak powerfully of faith, hope and trust in God.
As Christ walks before us, giving us the gifts and the graces we need to follow with courage and resolve, we are invited to say – ‘Lord, I do not know where you are going, so how can I know the way?’ None of us knows how the future is going to turn out, and that is precisely why we tend to worry. In today’s Gospel Thomas frets: ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ But Jesus has reassuring words. ‘I am the way.’ 

Please remember in your thoughts and prayers members of our parish community who have been affected by the impact of the COVID-19 virus; for all who are sick, for the medical staff caring for them, for family members and friends of colleagues who have died and all who mourn their passing; for a speedy resolution to the current pandemic. Hand in hand with Jesus, we can walk the road ahead.

As ever, please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any prayers or support. Enjoy a peaceful and restful holiday weekend.


Priest: As we gather in prayer as a community we ask the Lord to listen to our prayers.

1. We pray for those who preach the Gospel in the Missions at this time of pain and unease.
Lord, hear us. R/

2. We pray for the children who would have made their First Holy Communion around this time, and for senior pupils sitting exams.
Lord, hear us. R/

3. Let us pray for our medical staff - but also the staff in our shops, chemists, the council workers, bin and postal people, as well as the many volunteers, home helps reaching out to our elderly & housebound and all our front line services who are keeping our country going.
Lord, hear us. R/

3. We pray for our sick:
Susan Mercer, Mhairi Ferguson, Betty Noble, Gerry Sampaio, Agnes Brown, John Patterson, Michael Mulhern, Frank McCartney, Tom Devlin, Margaret Rooney, Grace Murphy, Matthew McKinnon, Jan Namespetra, Mairi Lawrie, Sheila Tierney, Douglas Walker, John McLintock, Stefan Svitek, William MacMillan, Margaret Darroch, William Gill, Stephanie Darling, Mhairi Scott, David O’Hagan, ** Rita Harkin, **Scott Douglas, Tom McGoughan, Pat Power, Jim Shields, Suzanne Brett, Rosa Hashani, Eileen Lynn, Josephine McLaughlin, Dillon Newton, Mary Burke, Florence Myles.
Lord, Hear us. R/

4. We pray for those who have died recently, especially those from the Coronavirus 19 and:
Alec Kelly, Margaret Hamilton, Ursula Craig, Jim Maguire, Lynn Barr, Mary Stevenson, Ignatius Sweeney, Mary McLaughlin, Paul McCaffrey, May Fossett, Jamie Clark, Cathy McCormack.
Lord, Hear us. R/

5. and for the anniversaries of:
William McVey, Marie Campbell, Alex McBride, Jackie Moohan.
Lord, hear us. R/

Priest: We thank you, Father that we are born anew, set free to live with the dignity of your beloved children. Through Christ our Lord. Amen


Obviously the Church is closed during this period of the Coronavirus. I realise there is a shutdown from the government to "Stay at Home", which is so important to observe. However, if you are out for your walking exercise, shopping or medicines and are passing the Church on Sunday remember to bless yourself and give thanks for the gift of our faith. The Spiritual Communion Prayer is on the doors; remember to pray it until we pray together as a community. Please take time to pray for our medical staff, the staff in our shops, chemists, the council workers, bin and postal people, home helps and the many volunteers reaching out to our elderly & housebound and all our front line services.


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


All Masses are suspended. Father Stephen will offer Mass on Easter Sunday for all your intentions both living and dead. He will continue to offer a daily Mass privately remembering you and your families. 


To find out what’s going on in the Parish click on or A copy of the bulletin is posted weekly. Any comments or suggestions are very welcome.


Can we encourage you to take out a six-week subscription for £10 by going to or telephone: 01412214956. Your support is vital to keep this Scottish Catholic Paper alive! 


As you may already know, Brendan has been accepted to do NET in the USA ( He is grateful for all the support and generosity he has received so far. He had planned a race night in the hall on 17th May as a fundraiser, but this is no longer possible. So he has come up with an alternative - a raffle!! - 1sT Prize is a beautiful Cross Quilt cover, made by his mum. 2nd Prize a 75cl bottle of Bollinger Champagne and 3rd prize a Chocolate Easter Egg. Tickets £2 for 1 or £5 for 3. If interested please contact Brendan 07483251695 or and he will give you details of how to donate and will put your name in a hat. The draw will be via ZOOM on 17th May.


Last week’s collections realised £561 and £800. Please post all donations to the Church House.


Some parishioners have enquired if they could set up standing orders for the parish in light of the loss of our public Sunday Masses and collections. We are aware that this is an anxious time for all our people, who are concerned for themselves, the well being of their loved ones and the security of their families livelihoods. These forms are available online for those who are able in the circumstances by clicking here for Saint Josephs, and by clicking here for Saint Bridget's.


We are hoping to post our new offertory envelopes over the next few days. If you pay tax, please consider signing up to the Gift Aid Scheme. By doing this the parish can claim an extra 25% on top of your donation.


This month highlights the presence of Our Lady in the Church. Please use this month to say the Rosary together. "The Family that Prays together Stays together". As a diocese, many of us would travel to Christ the King, Howwood, to celebrate Our Lady of Fatima, at the parish shrine. We would have the Rosary Procession, Exposition, Prayers and a cuppa in the hall. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


Pope Francis has established an emergency fund in response to the coronavirus crisis to support ongoing missionaries with Missio Scotland. See:


Thank you for your SCIAF box to help women in the DR Congo. Please return these before 20th May to be matched by the UK government. Either hand them into the Chapel house or post to SCIAF.    


If anyone is isolating or you know of anyone vulnerable needing support please contact: Helen Dougall 07926527550 or via our website and Facebook page who is co-ordinating volunteers to  bring shopping/medicines in Eaglesham and Waterfoot. Or Eleanor in Clarkston, contact -


Pope Francis has asked believers of all religions to unite spiritually in a day of prayer and fasting and works of charity on Thursday 14th May, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic. ‘All believers together, believers of different traditions, to pray, fast and do works of charity.’


A very blessed fifth week of Easter to you and your families. May the joy of the Risen Christ be with you all. We are very conscious that we are celebrating prayers for Vocations throughout the world. Let us remember our Pope Francis, the Bishops of Scotland and our own Bishop John Keenan. We pray for our priests - active, retired & dead, for the deacons - both living and dead, our religious and students for the priesthood. Can we also remember Maureen, Chris, James and Deacon Paul who are promoting the life of our parishes through Social Media. You have been a lifeline to our communities at the present moment. ‘Thank You’.


If you pay tax, please consider signing a Gift Aid form so that the parish can claim an extra 25% on your contribution. The Parish only requires your NI number and address; no other information is required. If you are interested, please speak to Father Stephen.


When making a will, have you thought of leaving a legacy to the parish or diocese?


Thank you for opting to receive this bulletin by email. This helps us keep down costs and also makes sure everyone receives parish news even if they are on holiday or visiting another parish. If you know someone who you think would also like to receive the bulletin by email then please use the "Forward to Friend" feature by clicking here. Your friend will be able to opt out at any time if they wish.


Saturday vigil: 4pm.
Sunday: 10am, 12 noon & 5pm.

Monday to Friday: 9:30am.
Saturday: 10am.

Saturdays 9:30am-10am, and after vigil Mass.

Monday and Friday at 9:10am.
Saturday at 9:40am.

Every Thursday at 9:10am.

Every Thursday at 10am.

Tuesday: 9am-9:25am, 10am-11am, 6:30pm-7:30pm.
Wednesday: 9am-9:25am, 10am-10:30am.
Thursday: 9am-9:25am, 10am-11am.

Mondays after 9:30am Mass at the green chairs.

Every Sunday at 1pm, by making arrangement with the parish priest. Forms for requesting this Sacrament are available from the sacristy and church house. They should be returned at least one month prior to the requested date.


Altar servers - Michael Stringer - 01415712271
Altar Society - Veronica Byrnes - 01416442171
Bethany Bereavement Support Group - Elaine Allan - 07814236551
Bullletin notices -
eBulletin - Chris McLaughlin - - 07957644546
Eucharistic adoration - Dorothy Graham - 01415770121
Eucharistic Ministers (Sunday) - Michael Jordan - 01416444655 -
Eucharistic Ministers (weekdays) - Jean Wardrop - 01415717865
Hall bookings - David Melvin - 01416442640
Music Coordinator & Choir - Joe Byrnes - 01416442171 -
Passkeepers - Peter McMillan - 07791651525 -
Pastoral Council - Patricia Hassett - 01415710937 -
Parish House - 01416442640
Pope Francis Awards (Primary schools) - Louise Sheridan - 07969571406
Safeguarding coordinators - Veronica Dowling and David Melvin 01416442640

Bus Drivers - Pat O'Brien - 01415718169 -
Children's liturgy - Frances McLean - 01416440712
Fertility Care Scotland - Angela McCallum - 01416386802
Justice & Peace - Michael Martin - 01416387358
Parents in Prayer -
R.C.I.A. - Alice Connolly - 644 5704
Sentry - Lucy Jackson

Saint Vincent de Paul - Anne Marie Kelly

Art Club- Gerry Donaghy - 07908475475
Cubs - Margaret Logan - 01412396095
Golf Society - 01416442640
Scouts, Cubs, Beavers - Thomas McCabe - 01415717663
Tuesday Club - Margaret Logan - 01412396095
200 Club -
Chris McLaughlin - - 07957644546

Age Scotland - Rita Stewart - 01416443207

Wayside Club - Jim White - 01416375806
Mary’s Meals - Eddie Deighan - 01416444498
SCIAF - Peter McMillan - 07791651525

Starter packs - 01414401008

If you would like to make any additions or amendments to the parish contact list please reply to this email or click here.

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