Thank you so much for signing up and devoting your time to this endeavor!  Upon entry into the class, you will be asked to change your name to your full name, as a participant, and include a couple of letters to tell us a bit about yourself. Choose whichever category best describes you, doesn’t have to be exact!  You can also put more than one.

YA: Young Artist 
EDU:  Educator 
ST: Student
PS:  Professional singer
SNP:  Singer, non professional
NSM:  Non-singer musician
MT:  Musical theatre 
OB: Observer 

So our examples would be 
Lisette Oropesa PS, EDU
Steven Harris OB

If you have made a donation, please put an asterisk (*) next to your name as well so I can acknowledge and thank you.  
May 2020
Time:  1:00pm - 2:30pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
JOIN 1pm
Time:  8:00pm - 9:30pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
JOIN at 8pm
*Donations are appreciated (but not required) for this masterclass series with me. The above link is for Paypal. I also have Venmo (search for Lisette Oropesa in the app) and if you'd like your donation to download my latest album, you can also find me on Bandcamp

This class will run 90 minutes.  It will consist of a lecture portion and a Q&A on the topics outlined in the agenda. 

In order to honor the people who have donated the most to this effort, I am creating a Zoom Breakout Room Privilege.  After the 90 minute class, I will invite up to 40 donors into a private one hour Zoom Breakout Room session where they can ask follow up questions on the topic at hand, and be answered personally.  To be eligible for the invite, please make a donation between now and the beginning of class on Thursday.  This is the chance for donors to make sure their questions are answered.

In the meantime, as always, ALL are welcome to attend as many of the free lectures as possible.  I will try to answer as many questions as I can!

Below is a Google Doc with the topics for Thursday's class and the Schedule for Singing Week! 
Lecture Outline and Singing Week!
Topic: Lisette's Zoom Masterclass #7


Time: May 14th, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) and encore presentation at 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting at 1pm
Meeting ID: 859 6530 9741
Password: 760031

Join Zoom Meeting at 8pm
Meeting ID: 895 2057 1337
Password: 136475

Copyright © 2020 Lisette Oropesa Masterclass, All rights reserved.

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