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Hello Salem,
Maybe like me, you've done some virtual traveling lately, around the Archdiocese and the world to "attend" Mass in new and exotic locales. I've been to Mass in Nova Scotia, at my home parish in Maine, at the beautiful Ste. Anne de Beupre in Quebec, in Texas, California, and a few other places. I'm really enjoying these virtual travels, but like I always end up when I go on vacation, it ultimately makes me homesick. I miss Sundays like they used to be; I miss seeing smiling faces and getting hugs and meeting new people. I even miss the people who used to complain to me on Sundays!
We want to stay connected with you, even while we can't gather, so we're adopting new technologies to enable us to do just that. We have recorded this coming weekend's Mass in English and Spanish, and will post them on our Facebook page on Saturday by 4:00. 
This weekend, let's get together (in Spirit)! 
At 9:30 AM on Sunday, join us on our Facebook page for a Watch Party of the Mass (English) from your living room, followed by coffee and conversation via Zoom (the invite link will be posted on the page during Mass). 
At 12:00, we'll do a watch party for the Spanish Mass on our Facebook page
At 6:00 PM, join us for MQOA Sunday. We'll worship, pray and you'll have a chance to chat with someone who doesn't live in your house!!
Join via Zoom from your computer, tablet or smartphone by clicking here, or on the image above.  

Meeting ID: 833 9137 6518
Password: 725709

Or from your phone (voice only):
+1 646 558 8656 US

Or view it via our Facebook Page (no need to have a Facebook account to access). This page is also the most up-to-the-minute place to visit for news and information from the parish. 

We also invite you to: 
Join our Facebook Group (this does require an account). That's where you can connect with other parishioners more personally.
+ Join us in praying with our prayer ribbon project, volunteer on our Prayer Partner Line, donate to our St. Vincent de Paul Society, and stay updated at our website
+ We're so thankful for the generous donations and support that have sustained the parish over these weeks so far, and pray you will continue to help us pay just salaries, and keep serving you and your family. You can donate once or set up regular donations at our giving website. You can also give easily through this page at the RCAB

Happy Easter, Salem! 



I love this time of year for the Easter season and all that is hopeful about the readings. The Gospel of Mark is considered the earliest written Gospel and was composed, experts believe, for a community that was suffering persecution. The Gospel of Matthew was written primarily to help Jewish believers and converts to see the connection between the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, while the Gospel of Luke, with its companion book, Acts, was written for a largely gentile (non-Jewish) audience.

The Gospel of John is an insider’s book, written for readers within the growing movement of Christianity. It is considered a “high” Christology, i.e., seeing Jesus as a (primarily) divine and powerful doer of signs and wonders along with His teaching. It has been suggested that this Gospel was written for a small community that was very spiritual and concentrated deeply on hearing the voice of the glorified Jesus. One can see this throughout the chapters, but especially after the resurrection. John’s Gospel is a little different as it was written for “insiders,” i.e., those who were already believers.

As insiders, this weekend’s Gospel reminds us that there are many voices that, like God’s, seek our attention. Therefore, it is so important to listen for the voice of God calling to us. And he does call, all the time. The problem is that other voices are also calling, and sometimes it is difficult to keep listening and trying to hear the Lord’s voice. In our present time, this seems to be even more of a challenge, as we do not have the opportunity to come and hear the word proclaimed within our churches.

Our present situation gives us a powerful call to practice listening to God, even when we are not able to be together. We are separated for the time being, but thanks be to God, we have other ways to help us communicate and connect. God has always preferred to use our hearts, minds, and souls, and to do so gently. I think the challenge in our time is to continue to quiet ourselves down enough to hear it. It may be in our living rooms, at the table, on a Zoom call, or during the quiet of a car ride on the way to the grocery store. If we practice listening, we will hear. I am convinced of that.

When I was younger and outside playing, when I heard my mother or father calling, I knew immediately that it was them. It is the same with people’s voices on the phone. It is interesting how one’s tone changes depending on who is calling. I can usually tell immediately when someone near me receives a phone call and whether it is someone they know or don’t know. They hear the voice on the phone, and then their voice takes on a “professional” tone or something more familiar and relaxed.

Hopefully, we get to that experience with Jesus, where we listen well enough to hear His voice directing our lives. In last week’s reading, where the disciples were first attracted to what Jesus was saying, and then they eventually knew who he was. I have always been struck by the passages where Jesus was not recognized by His physical appearance, but rather by His voice when He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, and the apostles and others who saw Him after the Resurrection. It was the same at the seaside, in our reading two weeks ago, when Peter only recognized Him when the miracle occurred. I hope that during this worldwide crisis, we can come together and listen, hear, and respond to the voice of Jesus. 

Peace, Father Murray

encanta esta época del año por el tiempo de Pascua y todo lo que es esperanzador acerca de las lecturas. Primero, un poco de enseñanza. El Evangelio de Marcos fue considerado el evangelio escrito más antiguo y fue compuesto, según los expertos, para una comunidad que estaba sufriendo persecución. El Evangelio de Mateo fue escrito principalmente para ayudar a los creyentes y conversos judíos a ver la conexión entre las Escrituras hebreas y el Nuevo Testamento, mientras que el Evangelio de Lucas, con su libro complementario Hechos de los Apóstoles, fue escrito para una au-diencia en gran medida gentil (no ju-día). El Evangelio de Juan es un libro in-terno, escrito para un grupo dentro del creciente movimiento del cristia-nismo. Se considera una alta Cristolo-gía, es decir, ver a Jesús como un ha-cedor muy poderoso de signos y ma-ravillas junto con su enseñanza. Se ha sugerido que el Evangelio fue escrito para una pequeña comunidad que era muy espiritual y que se concentró pro-fundamente en escuchar la voz de Jesús glorificado. Uno puede ver esto a lo largo de los capítulos, pero espe-cialmente después de la resurrección.

Entonces, el Evangelio de Juan es un poco diferente, ya que fue escrito pa-ra "personas de adentro", es decir, aquellos que ya eran creyentes. Como personas de adentro también, el Evangelio de este fin de semana nos recuerda que hay muchas voces que, como la de Dios, buscan nuestra atención. Por eso es tan importante escuchar la voz de Dios que nos llama. Y lo hace todo el tiempo. El problema es que las otras voces también están llamando y, a veces, es difícil seguir oyendo e intentando escuchar la voz del Señor. En nuestro tiempo presen-te, eso parece ser un desafío aún ma-yor ya que estamos perdiendo la oportunidad de venir y escuchar la palabra proclamada dentro de nues-tras iglesias.

Nuestra situación actual nos da un poderoso llamado a la práctica de es-cuchar a Dios, ya sea que estemos juntos o solos. Estamos separados por el momento, pero gracias a Dios, tene-mos otros mecanismos que nos ayu-dan a comunicarnos. Dios siempre ha preferido usar nuestros corazones, mentes y almas, y hacerlo de un mo-do gentil. Creo que ese es el desafío en nuestro tiempo, continuar hacien-do silencio para escucharlo. Puede ser en nuestras salas de estar, en la mesa, una llamada de Zoom o la tranquili-dad de un viaje en automóvil camino a la tienda de comestibles.

Si practica-mos oír con atención, escucharemos, estoy convencido de ello.Cuando era más joven y jugaba afuera escuchaba voces de adultos, pero sa-bía de inmediato que eran mis padres cuando escuchaba a mi madre o a mi padre llamar. Es lo mismo con las vo-ces de las personas en el teléfono. Es interesante cómo cambia el tono de uno dependiendo de quién nos llama. Por lo general, puedo saber de inme-diato si alguien cercano a mí recibe una llamada telefónica y es de alguien que conocen o no. Escuchan la voz y luego su voz es diferente, ya sea un tono "profesional" o algo más familiar y relajado.

Espero que lleguemos a esa experien-cia con Jesús. Escucharemos lo sufi-cientemente bien como para distin-guir su voz dirigiendo nuestras vidas. Como la semana pasada, los discípu-los se sintieron atraídos por lo que Jesús estaba diciendo y finalmente supieron quién era. Siempre me han impresionado los pasajes cuando Je-sús no fue reconocido por su aparien-cia física, sino por su voz, como cuan-do se apareció por primera vez a Ma-ría y a los apóstoles y a otros que lo vieron. Fue lo mismo al lado del mar hace dos semanas, Pedro solo lo reco-noció cuando ocurrió el milagro. Espe-ro que en medio de esta crisis mun-dial, podamos unirnos y oír con aten-ción, escuchar y responder a la voz de Jesú

Paz, Padre Murray

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Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish

158 Federal Street, Salem, MA. 01970

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