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CPF Newsletter May 8
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UPDATE from Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
Community faculty may resume rounding in the Newborn Nursery and Inpatient floors on Monday
  • During this phase, practices will be limited to one attending physician rounding in the hospital each day from each practice. This includes rounding in the Newborn Nursery. 
  • Universal masking is required for everyone in all VUMC facilities. You are encouraged to wear your own cloth mask. If you do not have a mask, a one-time mask will be provided to you (universal masking information above). 
  • Community faculty will be required to adhere to COVID-19 screening upon entering the facilities. This includes temperature and symptom screening. 
  • After screening, you will receive a sticker indicating you have been screened with the specific day of the week and calendar date. You must wear this screening sticker the entire time you are in a VUMC facility. If you are observed without a screening sticker, you will be asked to return to the screening stations for screening. 
See All MCJCHV Access Updates
CPF is moving its CME Education Series to a virtual online format over the next few months. Join us as we keep education going!
The first Virtual CME Presentation will be on Thursday, May 28 at 6 PM. 

Title: "Scoliosis"
Speaker: Chris Bonfield, Department of Neurological Surgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center 

VUMC Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Chris Bonfield will lead a CME presentation on Scoliosis, with updates on treatment, referral recommendations, and primary care best practices.

**CME Credit and MOC Part 2 Points available for attendees**
Scoliosis CME: Register Here
CPF Peer Questions
Are you interested in asking the entire CPF membership about their experiences or advice on a certain question or issue? You can always submit a Peer Question. Senders of questions can stay anonymous. 

Contact CPF Program Manager Preston Spencer at with any peer questions.
Submit a Peer Question
CPF Career Center
Check CPF's Career Center for openings at member practices. If you would like to post an opening or have filled a position and need to remove a post, please email CPF Program Manager Preston Spencer at
Vanderbilt Pediatric Associates (Hopkinsville, KY): Seeking MD
Rivergate Pediatrics: Seeking Full-time LPN
Cumberland Pediatric Associates (Lebanon): Seeking Full-Time MD
FREE Access to AAP Point-of-Care Solutions
CPF provides members FREE access to the AAP's Point-of-Care Solutions, which includes RedBook Online, Bright Futures Toolkits, a monthly coding newsletter, and much more!

Use CPF's log-in to access (log-in top right corner of web page):
Username: cumberland (case sensitive)
Password: Cpf2017
AAP Point-of-Care Home Page
Breastfeeding During COVID-19 Pandemic
AAP Critical Updates on COVID-19
Follow CPF on Social Media!
Coronavirus Resources for Providers and Practices
TN Dept of Health - COVID-19 Dashboard
TN Small Business Resources
TN Children and Families COVID-19 Support Services including DCS Guidance
TennCare Guidance on EPSDT / Well-Child Visits During COVID-19
VHAN: Telehealth Coding Guide
TNAAP: Telehealth Coding Guidelines by Payer
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed accepting Paycheck Protection Program applications on Monday.
SBA Paycheck Protection Program
TN COVID-19 Unemployment for Employers
The TN Emergency Medical Agency (EMA) and local EMA agencies are now coordinating both donations of PPE and requests for PPE or supplies (including testing materials). An online portal has also been set up for requests. Contact information can be found at the links:
PPE Requests - Online Portal
Regional EMA Contact Info for PPE Donations and Requests
TN Dept of Health - Friday NOON Weekly Webinars
Practice Management Institute (PMI): The Business Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Practices - Weekly Webinars

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Cumberland Pediatric Foundation · 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 230 · Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 · USA