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Gene's "Finding Gifts within the Chaos" SALE there a deep INVITATION for you now?

An 11% OFF Coupon for Your Total Order
     is now available on the website until MONDAY, May 11th, Midnight Pacific! new On-Sale Items to check out
Dear friend,
Embedded in the transformation...the deep alchemy...of these times are not only gifts but a relevant invitation.

Have you found gifts in this upheaval?

Do you sense an "invitation" for yourself interwoven throughout the turbulence?

If so, what is it?

...and, most importantly, what are you doing about it?

One of the gifts for me, certainly, and many of my friends, is having the space and time to be with such questions.

Through my perceptual lens, for whatever else it is, COVID-19 is a symptom of profound dysfunctionality. It is the flashing RED light on the dashboard of our consensual reality...telling us to both
and also
the multitude of non-working 'issues' underlying the breakdown.

We've been living in an increasingly s.i.c.k  society and culture for most of my lifetime. 

Yes, thankfully evolving in a multitude of ways...but devolving in another multitude as well, cleverly obscured by the Powers that Be:

Economic Inequality 
Topsoil Erosion
Destruction of family farms by Agribusiness
Degradation of our food by massive pesticide, herbicide and GMO usage
Corporate take-over of ultra-for-profit healthcare system
Predatory pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma)

Muzzling of the "free press" (the necessary but now "so-called" 4th Estate)
Junk food and soda "water" becoming the norm
Packaged chemicals/etc being sold as "food"
Degradation of corporate-controlled government "regulatory" agencies
Increasing unfairness across the board
Massive imprisonment of American citizenry by for-profit "justice" system

A tragedy of the past few millennia is that we don't really trust ourself:
a conditioning that feeds into the self-interests of all our major institutions.

How to we each break out of this prevailing dis-empowerment?

How do we become "awake" enough and able to co-create The More Beautiful World Our Hears Know Is Possible? [Charles Eisenstein's potent phrase/vision]

Everything I know from my 78 years here is that I must start with
cultivating my own harmony and coherence and
enhancing my own non-attachment to the collective dream the mass hypnosis of "reality" make my friendships with resonant people a high priority
...with little to no expectation of them.

...and (as somebody, sometime, once said)

"To thy own self, be true."

This is my overview from this morning's writing...which I love to do. And, I did get into the writing habit by wanting to remind subscribers to this newsletter of the truly worthwhile Tachyon Energy products. 

Tachyon is not a panacea...but it certainly can, and does, augment one's harmony and coherence. It supports people's health, vitality and order to better navigate the challenges of these times.

Meanwhile, please stay safe & Be Well, 

P.S.: this newsletter shares ongoing information and perspectives on physical and energetic health/ well as 'awakening' in consciousness. It frequently focuses on the under-reported, radical benefits of Tachyon emanation of the QUANTUM Field (aka Zero Point Field) which is the Source of e v e r y t h i n g.

In my experience of it over the past 19 years, Tachyon is a carrier of harmony and coherence...and cultivates and entrains those qualities in all that it touches. It has the capacity to mitigate the harmful effects and protect us against EMFs, 5G technology and other forms of "dirty electricity" well as nurturing and fortifying our body and personal energy fields for navigating These Times, with greater grace, power and satisfaction than we otherwise would. 

Check out (with its 30-day return/refund policy) if you feel so moved...

There is another section below, for the critical
"Tachyon Protection against 5G Dangers & Risks"
...which, I would humbly submit, is worth checking out
NOTE: because the state of your cells' biological & energetic terrain is so determinate of your health, vitality and longevity, I have repeated this category more often than I ever have any other. The invitation is to truly explore the possibilities.
Dear friend,
Embedded in the transformation...the deep alchemy...of these times are not only gifts but a relavent invitation.

Have you found gifts in this upheaval?

Do you sense an "invitation" for yourself interwoven throughout the turbulence?

If so, what is it?

...and, most importantly, what are you doing about it?

One of the gifts for me, certainly, and many of my friends, is having the space and time to be with such questions.

Through my perceptual lens, for whatever else it is, COVID-19 is a symptom of profound dysfunctionality. It is the flashing RED light on the dashboard of our consensual reality...telling us to both
and also
the multitude of non-working 'issues' underlying the breakdown.

We've been living in an increasingly s.i.c.k  society and culture for most of my lifetime. 

Yes, thankfully evolving in a multitude of ways...but devolving another multitude as well, cleverly obscured by the Powers that Be:
Economic Inequality
Topsoil Erosion
Destruction of family farms by Agribusiness
Degradation of our food by massive pesticide, herbicide and GMO usage
Corporate take-over of ultra-for-profit healthcare system
Predatory pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma)

Muzzling of the "free press" (the necessary but now "so-called" 4th Estate")
Junk food and soda "water" becoming the norm
Packaged chemicals/etc being sold as "food"
Degradation of corporate government "regulatory" agencies
Increasing unfairness across the board
Massive imprisonment of American citizenry by for-profit "justice" system

Meanwhile, please stay safe & Be Well, Gene

P.S.: this newsletter shares ongoing information and perspectives on physical and energetic health/ well as 'awakening' in consciousness. It frequently focuses on the under-reported, radical benefits of Tachyon emanation of the QUANTUM Field (aka Zero Point Field) which is the Source of e v e r y t h i n g.

In my experience of it over the past 19 years, Tachyon is a carrier of harmony and coherence...and cultivates and entrains those qualities in all that it touches. It has the capacity to mitigate the harmful effects and protect us against EMFs, 5G technology and other forms of "dirty electricity" well as nurturing and fortifying our body and personal energy fields for navigating These Times, with greater grace, power and satisfaction than we otherwise would. 

Check out (with its 30-day return/refund policy) if you feel so moved...

There is another section below, for the critical
"Tachyon Protection against 5G Dangers & Risks"
...which, I would humbly submit, is worth checking out
NOTE: because the state of your cells' biological & energetic terrain is so determinate of your health, vitality and longevity, I have repeated this category more often than I ever have any other. The invitation is to truly explore the possibilities.

Tachyon Protection against 5G Dangers & Risks

5G Cellular technology is the most challenging form of "Dirty Electricity" we are now dealing with...but these items protect and fortify us in many other ways also.

They each enhance both our biological & energetic terrains...supporting the overall health of our whole being.

Tachyon Protection against 5G Dangers & Risks

BOOSTING IMMUNE FUNCTION: 30 years developing items to fortify our bodies, our immune system and personal energy fields to
withstand radiation and microbial challenges when they occur, and to
be fully restored to Health & Wholeness after bouts of illness. swept away by the energetic "miracles" of Tachyon...
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