2019/2020 Issue 31
Editor: Virág Kiss
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A Note from the Head Teacher 

Dear Readers,

I hope you are all keeping well!

You might have heard from the news that the schools in Hungary will remain close definitely until the end of May. I can see during my visits to the OTL classes that all students and teachers are by now much more confident with this new way of teaching and learning. SEK Budapest, as an educational institution, aims to improve continuously. Our teachers are doing an excellent job and we feel it is important to help them with training so they feel more comfortable and ready every day to teach our students who we miss so immensely from the school.

We would like to invite you to keep sharing your online learning experiences, we would love to hear from you and also see some photos of our students which we can show on our Facebook page.

Hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Until next week kind regards,

Ms. Gabriella Gidró 
We invite you to follow us on Facebook and visit our website!
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Book scene by Milán

Milan Kerekés from preschool P3 created two creative pictures about the most famous Spanish book from Miguel de Cervantes "El don Quijote de la Mancha" and the scene from that book, fighting against the windmills, thinking there were giants.
Yo vine a Hungría cuando tenía 4 años, y empecé a ir a preescolar, al Colegio Internacional SEK Budapest.
Tuve un amigo catalán con el que practicaba el español, con los 5 años me comunicaba en inglés, y cada vez me costaba más el español.
Mi primer amigo húngaro me enseñó a hablar húngaro que fue fácil, hasta que vino el leer y el escribir, que me costó porque tienen un vocabulario muy largo, y con diferentes acentos…
Los años pasaron e hice montones de amigos… en cuarto de primaria me empezaron a aceptar como un niño húngaro. ¡Algunas veces hasta pensaban que era un niño húngaro!
Lo que más me ha gustado de aprender húngaro ha sido:
  • Ayudar a mis compañeros de clase (los que no entiendan)                                                  
  • Entender lo que me digan mis amigos
David Mejías Parra - 5th grade
 ¿Qué significa ser español?    

 Ser español no es llevar la bandera y tampoco es ponerse una pulserita en la muñeca con sus colores. Ser español es algo totalmente diferente. Para mí ser español es poder presumir de que mi país tiene playa, nieve y desierto. Ser español es hacerte amigo de un Andaluz y pedirle que te enseñe a bailar las sevillanas, conocer a un Vasco y pedirle que te enseñe algo de euskera, juntarse con un Gallego e interesarte por su música y como bailar las Muñeiras, ir a Madrid y ver la procesión de San Isidro. Ser un español de corazón es querer siempre lo mejor para tu país y tener siempre orgullo español. Ser español es sentirse orgulloso de un idioma que hablan millones de personas, de una bandera rojigualda, de un país donde comer es mucho más que alimentarse. Ser español es llevar la alegría siempre dentro y expresarla a voces, querer conocer las tradiciones de las distintas provincias de España, que cada año cientos de personas visiten tu país por sus playas y bosques maravillosos, con un clima envidiable de sol y temperaturas más suaves, que la gente de tu país sea amistosa y abierta.  

Marta Soneira Barriuso - 7th grade    
Edward - Chen Hanbing is running his CAS project with his members during the quarantine period online and this week he gave us a little insight to it. Hope you can find it interesting.

Since 1st of January, the outset of the literature club, four months have passed and many things have happened. Each member of the club has got a chance to read literature from all different genres when some of us, including me, have received a really special experience of leading other students to interpret those works like a teacher.

We didn’t stop running after the quarantine had started. By using online technology, for instance Google Hangout, we are able to meet online and continue the enjoyable learning of different literature. Personally, I do believe it is very important for each student to keep a self-consciousness of being a SEK student and maintain their original enthusiasm on academical exploration as if they are still at school. Now,during the quarantine period, the literature club is not only a regular academic meeting among different members, but also a bond among us and an implication of diligent school life.

Chen Hanbing - 11th IB student

Literature club allows me to spend more time with my friends and improve my vocabulary while having fun at the same time. - Blanka Tóth

Literature club has allowed me to explore two exciting literary works so far, which has been a very thought stimulating and useful experience. ~ Anna Nagy.
I enjoy doing literature club because I get to be with my friends and we can do funny accents while reading the play and at the same time still be able to learn some Shakespeare. - Anna Monus
Literature club brings enjoyment and joy to me during such a chaotic time.  As a group we get to experience Shakespearean theater and play different characters each time with a different voice and accent.  It also gives me a chance to spend literary time with my friends. ~Mayuri Sriram.
Literature club is a fun thing to do in this intense situation especially that in the class we get to imitate different accents according to the characteristics of each character and this makes our session more enjoyable and interesting, thus an easier learning process. ~
Sogol Sepidnameh.
It is really fun and I get to interact with my friends while reading different pieces of literature. ~ Aarohi Kapoor.
This literature club helps me to look into many types of books, and as I am a person who doesn’t commonly read English books, this club can explore a new form of entertainment for me. ~ Julius Popper

Mother's Day in the Preschool (at home)

In normal times we would work in secret preparing for Mother’s Day, celebrating the day together with our mothers and grandmothers, giving gifts, singing songs and reciting poems.

This year was obviously different with the Corona virus challenging us to celebrate Mother’s Day a little bit differently. This year our mums and dads stepped up to make Mothers Day extra special by preparing arts and crafts from home.

Our Grandmothers were particularly celebrated this year as social distancing meant that they would be spending Mother’s Day in isolation. Many of our students made virtual paper hugs to give to their grandmothers considering actual human contact was not possible this year.

P3 even continued on as close to the normal program as possible with a virtual Mother’s Day party hosted on Google Meetups.

Hayden Bryant - Preschool Teacher

Create and Innovate
Technology is a wonderful thing and we should be grateful to have it during times like these. There are so many great resources out there to continue having creative, fun and interactive classes. The students can interact with one another while practicing their English using flip grid, even the littlest student can interact with their friends on zoom, they can play against each other while learning new content on quizizz and they can be reminded of their teacher while looking at a bitmoji on Google slides. This is a time for all of us to be innovative and learn to use new resources. I know that I will continue to use these resources in my classroom even after this crisis is over.
Jeanne Rygiel
English Teacher
Colegio Internacional SEK

Our school has always had a special environmental outlook and this year, despite the lockdown, we managed to celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April. If we had been in school, we might have had a super assembly in the garden and we would have enjoyed the plants and the flowers that we had been looking after this year. However we managed to have a special super assembly online. We exchanged ideas on how we can help our planet with small gestures in our daily life. It was also nice to 'see' each other and send a virtual hug to our friends and teachers.
For the same occasion our ECC children were busy reflecting on earth using their imagination and art skills to reprensent the planet.
Well done to all our environmental guardians!
Udine International School
Linda shows us her globe, Nina is ready to connect for the assembly  under her wisteria and Federico is proud of his environmental promises


SEK Budapest International School
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131.
phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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