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Book 37 — Homo Deus

Book Club Updates

As you might have noticed, each book in our catalog has the button that allows you to buy this book. So far, we've been limited to Amazon links. Recently, we started expanding the offer and we've added Audible as well.

Ideally, we would like to have links to independent bookstores and local libraries. If you have suggestions regarding stores and libraries that we could support this way, share them by replying to this e-mail.

Weeks 21 – 22

"Homo Deus" by Yuval Noah Harari

"Sapiens" that we read last year was among the best-received books in this Book Club. A few of you were so eager after reading it as to start "Homo Deus" right after. Now, there's a chance for the rest of the members to catch up on this title.

We have already learned our past from "Sapiens." The current title, "Homo Deus", describes the possible future that awaits us. Unlike "Who Owns the Future?" which focused on social and economic aspects, "Homo Deus" touches on topics as emotions, consciousness, happiness, and immortality.

Weeks 23 – 24

"Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport

Cal Newport's book was an assignment in our club last year. Previously, we read "Deep Work", this time we will learn about "Digital Minimalism".

While we mostly agreed that the concept of deep work is an interesting and useful one, there was a general consensus that the book was not as good as it could be. Also, designing your life for deep work may make sense if you are an author or a scholar, but most of the world works in connection with other people. Cutting down the communication altogether is simply not an option.

With this book, we hope to learn some useful tactics on how to get more focus without necessarily becoming a full-time hermit.


Do you have a recommendation for a book or a person we should add? Give us a shout in the forum:
Photo by Yusuf Dündar on Unsplash
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