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May 2020

RideProvide Delivers - New Home Delivery Service for Seniors in Collaboration with PSRC 

Greater Mercer TMA and Ride Provide has partnered with the Princeton Senior Resource Center to offer Safe-4-Seniors Home Delivery Service. The home delivery program is temporary and is being offered during the pandemic to help seniors receive no contact grocery delivery while staying safe.  The pickup and delivery must be within Mercer County, Plainsboro, and the southern portion of Montgomery. Hours for delivery are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Subsidized by PSRC, the cost is only be $5.00 per delivery. Deliveries are limited to within the same town (i.e. Lawrence to Lawrence) or an adjacent town (Princeton to Lawrence).
Click here to learn more  

This Year Bike Month is Riding for Good Month
The transportation management associations (TMAs) serving central New Jersey have teamed up to support local food banks with You Ride.We Give, in recognition of National Bike Month. Greater Mercer TMA (Mercer and Ocean), Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc. (Middlesex), and RideWise (Somerset) are challenging bicyclists to pledge to ride at least once during the month of May.  In return, the TMAs will make a donation to food banks in their counties. The League of American Bicyclists established May as National Bike Month in 1956.  It’s a way to encourage safe bicycling for work, pleasure, and health.  In response to social distancing measures the TMAs will not be hosting any in-person events and instead will celebrate Bike Month with a virtual challenge.  
Cheryl Kastrenakes, Executive Director of Greater Mercer TMA, said, “Usually in May, we host our Bike to Work and Bike to Food and Friends Challenge.  This year, we’re focusing on the ride not the destination. Biking is such a great way to get some exercise and feel mentally refreshed. We’re asking bicyclists to pledge to ride at least once during May.  For every pledge, GMTMA will donate to Mercer Street Friends, Rise, and The B.E.A.T. Center.” 
The ride can be around town, up and down a driveway, teaching a child to ride, or even a ride on a stationary bike.  However participants choose to ride, they are reminded to social distance. Bicyclists can pledge to ride at  Photos or stories about the ride or why biking is important in people’s lives will also result in a donation to Mercer Street Friends, Rise and The B.E.A.T. Center.  
Those who pledge to bike will receive a welcome email and a weekly theme, safety tips and encouragement. At the conclusion of Bike Month, the TMAs will host a virtual Bike Rally on Zoom to which all participants will be invited. 
More details about the event can be found at 

COVID-19 Telecommute Survey

Greater Mercer TMA would like to better understand the impact of the pandemic on your organization and your employees’ commuting challenges. Please fill out or share the following survey with your employees. Participants are eligible to win a $25 Amazon gift card. All answers are anonymous.  

Telecommute Survey

May is Mental Health Awareness Month 
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in their life, this year the number will likely be higher. Whether it is our loved ones, employees, colleagues or neighbors, we can help not only by offering support, but also by taking care of our mental health.

Here is a list of mental health resources during COVID-19. 


NJ Transit Service Adjustments

As of April 20, 2020, NJ Transit introduced new service adjustments. The COVID-19 response efforts by NJTRANSIT are constantly evolving and being enhanced to remain consistent with federal and state health recommendations to ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers still using the system for essential travel. See all updates here. 

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15 Roszel Rd. South, Suite 101 
Princeton, NJ 08540
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