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Welcome to Eyes on Animals!
Dear reader,
We are sending you this welcoming newsletter because you had requested being added to the list after signing our petition to put an end to the cruel long-distance transport of unweaned calves. This petition was based on the investigation Eyes on Animals and L214 did, trailing the unwanted young calves from dairy farms in Ireland via Cherbourg in France and onwards to veal farms in The Netherlands.

We send out 15 newsletters about our work per year, digitally, to people like you, interested in animal-welfare.

Who we are and what we do

Eyes on Animals is an animal-welfare organization based in The Netherlands. We strive to reduce as much farm-animal suffering as possible during transport and slaughter. We do not have any permanent staff in the office, but work almost solely on the ground. We send teams out regularly to trail animal trucks on the highway and visit slaughterhouses. We work throughout Europe, Turkey and Ghana and are made up of an international group of dedicated and practical people.
Our strategy:

ENFORCE: get the existing animal-welfare legislation better enforced by training law enforcers, like highway police.

EDUCATE: spread better practices by training chicken catchers, farm animal drivers and slaughterhouse workers on animal-behaviour, intelligence and more humane handling techniques.

EXPOSE & ENCOURAGE: expose animal suffering and shaming the companies that cause it, and at the same time shedding some light on the companies that are at least trying hard to reduce it.
Our personal philosophy is that the world should move towards a more plant based agricultural system, in order to better guarantee no risk of animal abuse or suffering and also to better protect our planet. But we know that such a world is not around the corner, this will take time. In the meanwhile we can still achieve a lot for animals by working directly with industry stakeholders and law enforcers.

Calf investigation

Regarding the calf investigation, it was published in the press in the UK, France and The Netherlands, including Le Parisien, The Guardian and Zembla. We have received responses from the northern Irish authorities and even among some transporters themselves, all condemning the horrible treatment of the calves at the feeding center in Cherbourg. We are still awaiting official responses from the French and Dutch but we will not give up until the long-distance transport of unweaned calves is put to an end.
Dear reader, we are very happy to have you on board, and for Eyes on Animals' impact to grow. In the very near future you will receive our next newsletter.

With best wishes,
Lesley Moffat
director of Eyes on Animals
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