Roanoke Park News and Events.
Roanoke Park News & Events

Dear park friend, Thank you for Donating and clicking “Sign me up”

But I apologize: our website wasn't set up properly so you didn't get signed up until now!

I have fixed the issue and added you to our Mail Chimp list. If you are no longer interested you can unsubscribe at any time. Click "manage preferences" if you want to specify what sorts of things you really like hearing about (Trails, Work Days, Playgrounds etc.).

I hope you’re continuing to enjoy Roanoke Park in your favorite ways.

Click here to see the latest email sent from this list, or the entire archive from the past few years. (To see what you might have missed.) The park effort is still very much alive with many exciting things happening this year despite the challenges of a global pandemic. Recent additions to the Karnes playground include stone steps added next to the big slide, replanted ornamental grasses, and newly added picnic tables. Both the Roanoke Lookout and Grocer's Warehouse plantings are getting lots of new plants. 

We're on Facebook and Instagram at the links below. and

Click below to see a video about the cleanup work happening right now and through the rest of May. (We're not really appealing for more donations specifically for this since they are fully funded.)

Thanks! - Chris DeLong, Roanoke Park Conservancy volunteer naturalist and website person.

KCMO Parks video - Roanoke Park Cleanup


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