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Opening Prayer

The Merton Prayer
By: Thomas Merton
My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you
does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always though
I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

Evening Offices Gathering
Join Priest Doyle for Evening Offices continuing today, at 4:00 p.m. through Zoom.  We will gather each Tuesday to share Compline, or, Evening Prayer. 
Bring a Book of Common Prayer, if you have one.
I will also provide handouts for the service and the
readings.  Please find the attachment link below.
Following is your Invitation:
Doyle Dietz Allen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: May 12, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Tue, until May 26, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
        May 12, 2020 04:00 PM
        May 19, 2020 04:00 PM
        May 26, 2020 04:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 9920 8881
Password: 504861
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Meeting ID: 892 9920 8881
Password: 504861
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Compline Service Leaflet

Join us for the Study of the Gospel of Matthew on Wednesday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.

Our Study of the Gospel of Matthew through the Easter Season continues on May 13, Wednesday at 9:00, in our homes through Zoom. 
Each weekly lesson stands alone, so you can join us at any time.
We will read Matthew 14:22 - 18:25 before we gather next Wednesday Morning. 
If you would like a little more about this book, read the attached introduction commentary to this gospel account. (Click on link below).
I look forward to our time together learning through Scripture, and sharing our experiences.  I expect our visits to last about 1 hour.
Please note these access instructions for our zoom meetings.
Join Zoom Matthew Bible Study Wednesday, May 13, at 9:00 am.
Priest Doyle Dietz Allen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting
Via internet:
Join URL:

Via Phone:
Meeting ID: 840 7850 6407
Password: 911850
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,84078506407#,,#,911850# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,84078506407#,,#,911850# US (Houston)
If you have any questions, please contact me at, or, at 520-268-0366.

May the Peace of Christ be with you,

Priest Doyle
Introduction to Matthew

Thank you to our vestry members: Charlie Buff, Hutch Gibb, Pam Moore, Karl Mutch, Anne Phillips, Betsy Randolph, Ann Schneider, Bob Wohlsen, and Wendy Wood.  Thank you to Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey.  Thank you all for phoning our people of Saint Patrick’s to stay in touch, and have fellowship.
Thank you to all our family members who are keeping in touch, checking in with each other, and participating in coffee hours, studies, worship services etc. -- all so important to our life together.  We are not alone as we shelter in place.  We have our Lord, we have each other, and we have our extended families and communities.
The physical places we meet and how we meet has changed.  We are still worshipping, studying, communicating, sharing, having fellowship, and taking care of each other.  And God is here with us in all of this.  Let’s continue to pray for each other and all others who are experiencing the effects of this virus.
Stay Safe and keep others safe!!!
Priest Doyle
 Our Outreach Ministry Committee met via Zoom last Friday.  It was great to see people using our video and audio connections!  This was our 2nd quarter meeting, and we received an extra $8,000.00 from the Vestry coming from The Youth Fund, and the Small Grants Fund.  Addressing the needs of children was a request that came with these monetary gifts.  We  always try to look at needs of our families in Sonoma County.  The addition of the Covid-19 puts added stress on all of us, and even more so on those with great needs regarding food, shelter, and clothing. 
 We were able to share our good fortune with the following agencies:  Redwood Empire Food Bank- $2,500.00; Food For Thought- $500.00; Meals on Wheels- $500.00, and the Sonoma County YMCA- $500.00.  The allocation to the YMCA is directed to the POP Y Camp that provides day care service for children having parents who are Essential Workers.  We will look forward to our 3rd quarter meeting, which will be in early August.  School might be starting, so we have committee members researching needs of school children at two schools close to St. Patrick's.  The Children's Home Foundation is another possible local recipient.  
We also received a gift from a member of St. Patrick's.  This is going to go directly to our committee as instructed.  If we have any members who would like to gift our ministry, we would not turn down any kind offers!  Also, if any members of our church have a special interest in a specific non-profit agency, please contact any member of our group. 

The following people are members of the Outreach Ministry: Leslie Clark, Barbara Fry, Susan Boak, George Hunt, Margaret Merchat, Laurie Boone-Hogan, Alec Peters, Jeri Wylie, and Pam Moore, from the Vestry.

A Message from the Planned Giving Ministry


The mission of the Planned Giving Ministry is to educate and encourage parishioners to plan ahead.  We will be periodically providing materials from the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California about estate planning, including planned giving. 
Now that we are spending more time at home, it is a good time for all of us to review our estate plans (Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Advance Healthcare Directives).  And if you haven’t done any estate planning, now is a great time to get started.  It does not need to be complicated.  The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has all sorts of information to help you, ( in addition to assistance you may access by contacting any of the Planned Giving Ministry members.
And important part of this planning is to think about legacy gifts – money you leave to organizations and institutions that are vital to you.  We hope that St. Patrick’s is one of those institutions, and that you will remember St. Patrick’s in your own will or trust.  It’s not the amount that is important.  It’s the act of giving that shows later generations what you value in life, and what you hope will continue long after you are gone from this world.  Some of our parishioners have already done this, and have generously agreed to recount their story to serve as an inspiration to others.  In the coming weeks you will hear from some of them, so stay tuned.
The Planned Giving Ministry members include Laurie Boone-Hogen, Chair, Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, and Ann and Alec Peters.

Greetings Sister and Brother Shelter in Placers,
Well, I never would have imagined beginning a letter like this!  But, the reality of our current situation is - that’s who we are.   And, my observation is that we’ve truly become Sisters and Brothers in community who are inspiring, encouraging, and providing for each other in new and wonderful ways.  Just this morning, I attended our weekly Tuesday morning Zoom Coffee Hour with 10 of you, and we had much fun sharing an unusual personal experience.
This past Sunday, Priest Doyle preached and led a wonderful worship service and leads Evening Prayer on Tuesdays. This afternoon, Eleanor Albon and her team of angels will distribute much needed food to 80 of our neighbor families at the Redwood Empire Food Bank Pop-Up.  In addition to the weekly Coffee Hour, parishioners are gathering for a Zoom Art and Music Salon, Happy Hour, 3 weekly Bible Studies. In addition, I know so many of you are connecting personally with our church family with phone calls, emails, driveway visits, rides to medical appointments, and grocery deliveries.
Two packed full eNews are published on line twice a week and mailed to print subscribers.  Our grounds and facilities are being carefully maintained, and our “God’s Got This” banner gives a message of hope to the thousands who drive by our campus every day.   We continue to be a “beacon of light, love, and compassion within our community as we support each other in our lives in Christ”.
As you can see, our Ministries are robust and vibrant, and I’m very pleased to report that even though we’re are in a time of crisis, our finances are stable.  I’m very grateful for your continued giving either online or through the mail.  As of Sunday, May 3 the Parish has received 39% of the total amount pledged for 2020.  The number of Sundays so far in the year is 35%. This is good news!  The parish’s finances continue to be carefully managed by Priest Doyle and Treasurer Charlie Chapman.  Our income and expenses are balanced, and our investment fund, though down, is in relatively good shape compared to the overall market.  If you’d like more detailed financial information, please contact Charlie Chapman. If you have other questions or needs, please contact Priest Doyle or me.
In closing, let’s keep the Faith, continue to reach out to each other and those in need in our Community, and support each other and our Parish.
Peace be with you,
Bob Wohlsen
Rector’s Warden
Locate Bishop Megan's sermons on The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California website!
Click HERE!

Stephan Moccio

Last week on May 5th St Patrick's hosted the Redwood Empire Food Bank lead by Eleanor Albon. Read Eleanor's summary of their work on Tuesday.

Dear All,
Thank you to the St Pat "May Team" - Natalie , Denise , Xavier, Hutch, Larry, Pam, and new driver, Jesus.
We distributed REFB food to 68 families/211 people. That's less than the 73 families/305 people April 21.  Why?  Have NO IDEA!  (Of interest - when I picked up our sign that we put along Hwy 12, it had blown over, probably because I didn't spread the legs far enough apart.  So, maybe some probable "drive-by's" didn't see it.) REFB generously sent food for 80 families!  Good news is that what we didn't distribute will go back and used elsewhere.
A God story - Laurie in Oakmont has no phone; car needs repair; refrigerator is broken; has no way to get food.  So, she wrote a letter to REFB (i.e. snail mail!)  Maria Fuentes (REFB) got it and called Bobbiejo at St Patrick's.  Bobbiejo texted me about Laurie.  I texted back that I could take food to Laurie on my way home.  So - a letter to REFB --> a call to St Pat's --> a text to me --> food to Laurie!  Don't tell me God isn't at work!
At the past 3 St Pat distributions we have had folks come after our 6:00 closing - not tonight.  Crazy!  For those who love mysteries - tune in!  Who knows what will happen May 19?!!!!!
Heart Eleanor

Bishop Curry's Message to the Church

Click here to read Bishop Curry's message.
Companion resources available HERE!

Habits of Grace
From Presiding Bishop Curry

Click here watch Bishop Curry's message and to subscribe to the emailing list!

Sacred Ground Course

The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Northern California  require all clergy and lay leaders to have racial healing and reconciliation training.  The “Sacred Ground Dialogue Circle” course described below meets diocesan requirements for such training.  Miriam Casey is one of the facilitators for the day session.
Racial reconciliation and healing training
The Commission for Intercultural Ministries invites you to join a Zoom-based Sacred Ground Dialogue Circle beginning on May 21, 2020.
Sacred Ground is a 10-session, film-based dialogue series on Race and Faith offered through the Episcopal Church as part of the Becoming Beloved Community initiative.
It is built around powerful documentary films and readings which will serve as the jumping-off point for dialogue. Click here to read more and register.
Ladies from St Patrick's have breakfast together at 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month.  We usually meet at Boudin's, but current circumstances prevent that for now!  So, we will have our first Zoom breakfast this Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 in the comfort of our own home!  Join us with your breakfast, or just coffee, or just to visit!  Judy Buff is the facilitator and I will send the email invitations either late Friday or very early Saturday.  Please let me know ASAP by email ( or phone (281-610-8043) if you can join us.
6 + 3 = 9
                  But so does 5 + 4

The way you do things isn’t always the only way to do them.   
Respect other people’s way of thinking.  

by Beth Romano, submitted by Bob Wohlsen

The Fonseca Family

Xavier Fonseca and Ana Lucia Polacios are members of our congregation who moved here from Nicaragua seeking safety.  They are in the midst of processing all of the applications, working though the legal system, and all of the things that go into being able to work and live officially as members of our community in the United States.  This is an overwhelming Process.  They are both trained dentists and Doctors of Public Health Administration.
Xavier and Ana Lucia are currently here legally, yet, out of work partly due to the current COVID-19 crises, having lost one job due to this event, and not being able to gain other employment during this time of crises.  They are offering their skills to our church community and others to make ends meet until they are on the other end of this daunting task.  If you need any of these services, please contact them at (707) 849-9037,, or
Services Safely Provided include:
-Computer Assistance
-Car Detailing
-Grocery Shopping
-Food Delivery
-Small Home Repairs
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity.
Peace be with you,
Priest Doyle

Weekly Calendar

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour 
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Hosted by Eleanor Albon.  Send a note to Eleanor Albon and she will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 281-610-8043

Tuesdays:  Evening Offices 
Let's share Compline or Evening Prayer! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Priest Doyle. 

Wednesdays: Our Journey with the Gospel of Matthew through the Easter Season
 Let’s celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior by reading the Gospel of Matthew during the season of Easter!  9:00 a.m., hosted by Priest Doyle.

Thursdays: The Women's Bible Study
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 9:30 a.m. Send a note to Miriam Casey and she will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 650-380-2747

Thursdays: Happy Hour:
Enjoy your favorite beverage with a friend! From 5:00 p.m- 6:00 p.m., hosted by Anne and Rick Phillips.  Send a note to Anne and Rick Phillips and they will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 707-888-0642

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Tom Allen and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 214-766-7209

Second Friday of the Month: Women's Breakfast:
Fellowship over breakfast, a cup of coffee, or just to visit with us! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Eleanor Albon and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 281-610-8043
** Women's Breakfast will meet on the second Friday of the month. **

Needs & Help

Acquiring groceries without going to the grocery store!
 Local Option -  Meal on Wheels

Oakmont Market will deliver groceries to Oakmont Residences with their normal $25 minimum order with no delivery fee. 

All payments will be made by credit card only to your front doorstep.
Call (707) 539-2434 to place your order.


Patrick's host Redwood Empire Food Bank Free Food Distribution right in our front church parking lot!!

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
His Eye Is On the Sparrow
Mississippi Children's Choir

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant us so perfectly to know your Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leads to eternal life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.
Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.

Priest Doyle Dietz Allen Contact Information   
Phone: 520-268-0366
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2020  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

Our physical address is:
9000 Sonoma Highway
Kenwood, CA 95452

Office Phone:

Priest Doyle Dietz Allen, Rector:
Bobbiejo Maggard, Parish Administrator:
Susan Hill,
The Rev. Karen King, Associate Priest:
The Rev. Edward A. Howell, Associate Priest:

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