<<First Name>>, at a time when our world is reeling from the effects of COVID-19 and its impact on the way we live our daily lives, Peninsula READS needed the support of friends, individuals who understand the importance of literacy as a cornerstone of life success, especially in times like these. We set a modest goal of $4,500 and were blown away by your response, raising $5,850!

You helped us do it!

Generous support from people like you helps us make a difference in the lives of so many in our community.  Yesterday at Give Local 757! we exceeded our fundraising goals, securing funds that are so critical for us to deliver on our mission to enable deserving adults the literacy skills to advance with their lives and improve their community - our community!

Yesterday’s donations allow Peninsula READS to train tutors and enable computer literacy programs - specifically, we can now reach an additional 230 people through online tutoring!

But we’re not stopping there, and we need your ongoing help. Please consider helping Peninsula READS in future with a range of ways to help.  And thanks again for your contribution!  See you soon!

Make Your Unique Impact!
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