2019/2020 Issue 32
Editor: Virág Kiss
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A Note from the Head Teacher 

Dear Readers,

I hope you are all keeping well!

It is already the middle of May and we only have one month to go from this academic year. We closed an other successful OTL period and looking forward to the last one. 

We are pleased an proud to inform you that although the SEK Marathon had to be cancelled because of the COVID19, the Fundraising part of the event with the help of our 9th grade students was successful and the SEK Budapest Community raised over 500,000 HUF which allowed the Gyermekkor Alapítvány to buy an infusion pump so they can help many more little lifves.
Thank you and well done Everyone!

We would like to invite you to keep sharing your online learning experiences, we would love to hear from you and also see some photos of our students which we can show on our Facebook page.

Hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Until next week kind regards,

Ms. Gabriella Gidró 
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11IB students taking part in the Preschool OTL program
 In SEK Budapest, younger and older students are part of one big community. That gave the idea years ago to let them grow together, help each other in different ways, like practice Spanish, dance together at InterSEK. This school year 11 IB students came to preschool regularly to play sports with the preschoolers, teach them, practice English with them and help preschool teachers job as well.
These times are very useful for everyone!
Preschoolers get new friends, they can see great examples and IB students learn how to be responsible around younger ones.
P3 is really looking forward all opportunity to meet with their "Big friends", so we worked out how we continue it during OTL.
 We work together in a new way, I keep in touch with IB students and inform them about our OTL weekly topic of P3.  IB students send short videos (dance, games...) to the preschoolers related to our topic. Especially this week, when our topic is "getting ready to school". Also they will join in our Live Class meet on Friday Show and Tell.
The students encourage the children in P3 and present school life for them in OTL and "normal" days.
Give them positive motivation for next school year knowing that our fantastic P3 is going to continue their school adventure in SEK Budapest 1st Grade!
Orsolya Markó
Preschool Teacher
El día internacional del libro

El pasado 23 de abril se celebró en todo el mundo el día internacional del libro que es una fecha simbólica, pues ese día fallecieron William Shakespeare y Miguel de Cervantes, escritores célebres de la literatura inglesa y española respectivamente.
Ese día hemos aprovechado la ocasión para embarcarnos en un ambicioso proyecto internacional. Así pues, el Colegio Internacional SEK Budapest y el Colegio Internacional Eirís han realizado una serie de actividades entre los alumnos de ambas instituciones. Los alumnos de un nivel de idioma principiantes han compartido vídeos comentando su último libro y han comentado brevemente su historia.
Por ejemplo, esta alumna de SEK Budapest enseña el libro que está leyendo:
                                                     Truesdale Gracie Beau 6.B
Los alumnos de nivel intermedio se han atrevido a comentar algún pasaje de ese libro, dotándolo de significado y explicando por qué es importante para ellos.
Un ejemplo de ello es nuestra estudiante Ninon Nagy nos comenta su frase favorita del libro “Ilusión” y la cita: “¿Quién sabe lo que es verdad y es una ilusión?” argumenta que muchas veces opinamos creyendo saber que es una verdad absoluta cuando es una ilusión, porque no sabemos toda la información de la situación o la persona”.
                                                          Nagy Ninon Karolin 7B
Nuestros estudiantes más avanzados se han atrevido a escribir un relato corto dejando el final abierto para que nuestros compañeros del colegio Eirís pudiesen terminarla. Hemos tenido relatos de aventuras, de horror…¡¡e incluso de Zombies en el lago Balaton!! Aquí vemos a uno de los autores de esa historia explicando la trama a los estudiantes del colegio Eirís.
                                                      Pavlidis Antipatros Andreas 8A
                                                          Nóra Kerekes 6th grade
                                              Naresh Kumar Murali Tejaswini - 7th grade

Országos Szabó Lőrinc szavalóverseny és versillusztrációs pályázat

 A költő születésének 120. évfordulója alkalmából a II. kerületi Szabó Lőrinc Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, valamint a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum közös szervezés keretében versmondó versenyt hirdetett idén tavasszal. A koronavírus-járvány okán kialakult helyzet miatt ez online versennyé alakult át.  
Nagy Ninon 7.b osztályos tanuló a Szél hozott, szél visz el és Végh Luca 7.a osztályos tanuló pedig a Szeretlek című Szabó Lőrinc-költeménnyel képviselte iskolánkat. Mindketten igényes versvideót készítettek saját otthonukban s azzal örvendeztették meg a nagyérdemű hallgatóságot - az online térben.

Furó József magyartanár (felkészítő tanár)

National Lőrinc Szabó poetry recitation and illustration competition

This Spring, on the 120th anniversary of the poet's birth, The Szabó Lőrinc Bilingual Primary School and Gymnasium in the 2nd district and the Petőfi Literary Museum announced a poetry competition. Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic however it was transformed into an online competition. Ninon Nagy 7th grade student represented our school with the poem Szél hozott, szél visz el (Brought by the wind, carried away by the wind) and Luca Végh 7th grade student represented our school with the poem Szeretlek (I love you) both from Lőrinc Szabó. They both created high quality video of the poems in their own homes and delighted the audience with it - in the online space.

József Furó Hungarian teacher (preparatory teacher)
The students of 10th grade recently read and analyzed a classic short story by Kurt Vonnegut: Confido

This timeless tale depicts Henry and Ellen, an everyday couple, who begin to question their values due to Henry's newest invention, Confido, a special hearing aid which not only has the ability to hear your innermost thoughts, but respond to them as well. Bringing out the worst in everyone, the couple buries Confido along with their hopes and dreams of wealth and wild success. The most chilling part of the story however, is found in the final line of the story when Henry relates Confido's last words : "I'll be seeing you sucker. I'll be seeing you." 

This eerie cliffhanger left many questions unanswered but the students were ready to take on the challenge and pick up where Vonnegut left off....Confido 2.0. 

Du Jin Yuan - Kevin (10A) 

Confido 2.0(everything in the story is not fact-based) 

Accompanied by the nuclear bomb launched in the Soviet Union’s capital city, Moscow, people now could be certain that the Cold War is over and the USA is ready to become the most powerful country in the world because they have the nuclear weapon. Who can imagine that two months ago, the President of America-James Earl, had sent a letter to the head of the Soviet Union begging for a peaceful long term game? People around the world became curious about what really happened to the Soviet Union. Did the Americans get help from aliens? Most people would not believe that, but it seems like this statement is much more reasonable than others. 20 years later, we found a letter from under a poplar tree, finally, the secret behind the Soviet Union became much clearer…..

1991.12 .05

   I do not know why I am writing this or who am I writing to, but my inner voice told me that I have to do it despite all the reasons which might make certain sense for me.

I could say that I changed the world by my own greediness of money but at the same time, I did not feel guilty about doing that.

   My name is Henny, I used to work as a laboratory assistant at the Accousti-gem Corporation. I had a wife named Ellen, a fair woman, and two kids. What a perfect family! I could say that my wife and my kids were satisfied with their life, but I feel I own them too much materially since I did not get paid much. Everything changed after I accidentally created the’Confido’.

  I did not want to introduce it since I really had no idea what it was. But we found that ‘Confido’ knows what you are thinking and could always respond to you in either a good or bad way. Finally, I buried it.

  I thought I would never see Confido again, but one day, the police knocked on my door and asked for Confido. I was shocked about why they wanted me to give the Confido to them, and also how they knew that I had Confido. I rejected them until they pulled up a cool million on my table, I accepted. Do not blame me for doing that, I do not think you would refuse a cool million.

  What happened next is that an American spy published Confido on the Russian market, and suddenly everything changed. People started to ask themselves if maybe they were wrong, the head of the Soviet Union nuclear department even sent the script of the nuclear weapon to his opponent.

    I feel sorry for my greediness, but I do not want forgiveness….


Tune in to the next newsletter to find out how another creative mind decided the fate of Confido. Until then..beware of our own thoughts, you never know if Confido might be listening!


Preschool Newsletter - Minibeast

Last week in preschool we took a closer look at all things that creep and crawl in our weekly topic of “Minibeasts”. The week marked the 8th week of learning at home and the children wasted no time in using the home environment to their advantage to find what lurked in and around their houses.

The children learnt all about the different types of insects from butterflies, bees, beetles and other bugs. We learnt all about the different body parts and what makes insects different from other animals along with the life cycle of a butterfly.

P2 discovered their surroundings to find minibeasts, made their own cute spiders and created their own "Minibeast Land".To change things up Circle time was held from Margit island on Friday and Sudu wrote her own poem.

P3 were amazing during their live lessons and continued to work hard on their brain gym exercises throughout the week. We also celebrated Benedek's Birthday sending him well wishes despite being apart, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Benedek!

Hayden Bryant - Preschool Teacher

English - Carpe Read ‘Em
On 23 April 2020, we joined the global celebration of World Book Day by recognising the magical power of books, celebrating authors, illustrators, books and most importantly: reading! This worldwide celebration of books has been designated by UNESCO and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.
As an English Language and Literature Teacher, this day is especially near to my heart as I firmly believe that literature forms part of our core. It allows for the soul to enrich itself, especially considering our largely evolving digital world. As part of our World Book Day celebration, a few literary characters joined our online English lessons. The IGCSE 2 Language and MYP 1B Classes were greeted by The Big Bad Wolf, the MYP 2B’s happily shared their favourite books with The Mad Hatter and The White Rabbit made time to see the MYP 1A’s. I would much rather eat worms that admit that my students preferred being taught by these characters…
Safeerah Mughal, an English Student at London South Bank University, beautifully stated that literature makes us laugh and makes us cry. “It dances with our emotions - which is what keeps us alive. Without literature life would be stagnant – listless.”
It has become clear to me that the students at Hout Bay International School share this sentiment and their response to literature this term has been remarkable.
Hout Bay International School

Art is in the House
Our 7th-grade students recreated the work of important painters from different artistic periods from home. This became a great opportunity to approach art from a different perspective while using their imagination.
Mr. D. García
Visual Arts
Colegio Internacional SEK Costa Rica


SEK Budapest International School
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131.
phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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