Welcome to the Duke Urology Spring 2020 Newsletter. And quite a spring it has been. Like all of you, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our clinical, research and educational routines upside down. However, The Duke University Health System along with The Section on Surgical Disciplines were way ahead of the curve in avoiding a critical surge in patients at our three hospitals. We are now in the process of ramping up our clinical activity both in the clinic and OR. Kudos to our Duke Urology faculty, fellows, residents, and staff for their determination and perseverance as we weathered the two month shut down. Our research program is slowly resuming, as basic research laboratories across the University are opening on a tiered basis.
This pandemic has provided critical challenges for everyone across the world but I believe has also offered us significant opportunities as we continue to move forward. Virtual meetings, virtual education, virtual clinical care have all become relatively commonplace. As you can see from the images below, we have been conducting weekly Divisional meetings via Zoom and even converted the annual DYSURIA Cocktail Party slated to be held at the annual AUA meeting in Washington on May 16 to an on-line gathering. Duke Urology has also completely embraced digital education to support our CME efforts. Moreover, Telemedicine now plays an integral role in our patient management. I believe these two trans-formative changes will become fully incorporated into our normal practice moving forward. We will be sharing more information about these and other issues which have evolved during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in future Newsletters.
Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, we remain committed to our core missions of innovative research, exceptional education and trans-formative patient care. We hope that you and your families are well and safe as we continue to identify the new-normal in our world.
David C. Miller, MD, MPH Urology's February Visiting Professor
David Miller, MD, MPH, Professor of Urology, Chief Clinical Officer, University Hospital and Frankel Cardiovascular Center, University of Michigan, presented to the Division of Urology on February 25 on “Making MUSIC: Collaborative Quality Improvement in Urology. On February 26, he presented at the Department of Surgery Grand Rounds “Partnership with Payers to Improve Surgical Care: the Collaborative Quality Improvement Model in Michigan.” He also met with urology residents to educate them more on the MUSIC approach to prostate cancer after Grand Rounds. He is pictured below with Deb Kaye of Duke Urology who trained with him as a fellow at the University of Michigan. Gary Faerber, who was formerly at Michigan, trained Dr. Miller when he was a resident and then was his partner.
(L-R) Chuck Scales, David Miller, Deb Kaye, Glenn Preminger, and Gary Faerber
As with so many things during the COVID- 19 crisis, we are adjusting. There will be no normal graduation dinner for the Chief Residents. We are hoping for an informal gathering of residents and faculty only but will have to await clearance from Durham County officials for gathering of more than 10 people. Regardless, we are proud of new almost graduates.
Steve Brousell MD has had his future employment plans affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Brian Inouye MD will be staying at Duke for a Reconstructive Urology/Cancer Survivorship Fellowship with Drew Peterson MD MPH and Aaron Lentz MD.
Rui Jiang MD will be returning to his native north Texas and be practicing in Amarillo.
Stevie Sexton MD, Capt., US Army, will be staying nearby at Womack Army Medical Center at Ft. Bragg. She will be working with recent grad Joe Fantony MD.
Jonathan Routh MD MPH and Maryellen Kelly, DNP received a grant from Laborie and Urgent PC to evaluate posterior tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) in children. Dr. Routh also was awarded a Societies for Pediatric Urology Clinical Research Prize for his project on paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. He is a member of the Sarcoma Section of the national Children's Oncology Group
Bradley Potts MD: won third prize in the Montague Boyd Research Essay at the Southeastern Section of the AUA for his work on "Barrington's reflexes revisited" proximal urethral electrical stimulation as a treatment for underactive bladder in rats."
Brian Inouye MD: was recognized with a Best Presentation for Clinical Abstracts at the 2020 KURe Multidisciplinary Research Day at Duke on April 24 for his paper "Use of Isotonic Contrast Solution in the Artificial Urinary Sphincter Does Not Impact Device Longevity."
Brent Nosé MD: was recognized with a Best Presentation for Basic Science Abstracts at the 2020 KURe Multidisciplinary Research Day at Duke on April 24 for his paper "The Endogenous Anti-inflammatory Annexin A1 Augments Recovery Following Bladder Outlet De-obstruction."
Rohit Tejwani MD: was recognized with a Best Presentation for Clinical Science Presentations at the 2020 KURe Multidisciplinary Research Day at Duke on April 24 for "Assessing Clinical Outcomes Based on Pediatric Experience in Pediatric Surgical Patients." His video "Single-Port Hidden Incision Endoscopic (HIdES) Nephrectomy via Pfannenstiel Incision" along with Taylor Hughes MS4 and Ashley Johnson MD under the mentorship of Dr. Routh was awarded Best Video in Pediatric session at the 2020 AUA Annual Meeting.
Maryellen Kelly, DNP was appointed to the Research Advisory Council of the Spina Bifida Association. She was also granted an appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Duke University School of Nursing beginning in July 2020. She was recognized with a Best Presentation for Clinical Abstracts at the 2020 KURe Multidisciplinary Research Day at Duke on April 24 for her paper, " Determining the Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Children with Diabetes: Multi-center Cross-sectional Survey."
Shelby Harper MS4: was recognized in Dr. Purves and Hughes' DUUD Laboratory with a Best Presentation for Basic Science Abstracts at the 2020 KURe Multidisciplinary Research Day at Duke April 24 for her paper, "Annexin A1 Inhibits NLRP3 and Prevents Inflammation During Bladder Outlet Obstruction."
Congratulations to our Alumni named AUA 2020 Young Urologists of the Year Award. Suzanne Merrill MD (resident 2013) at Penn State University was recognized by the Mid-Atlantic Section, and Robert Hamilton MD (oncology research fellow) at University of Toronto was recognized by the Northeastern Section.
Ganesh V Raj MD PhD (resident 2004), Professor of Urology and Pharmacology and holder of the Dr. Paul Peters Chair of Urology at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, oversees the UTSW Prostate Cancer Program. His team was recently award a $1 million grant from the Prostate Cancer Foundation to study neuroendocrine prostate cancer.
George Ibrahim (resident 1995) has authored the following book:
March 26 – 29, 2020 Duke Urologic Assembly and Urologic Cancer Symposium
The Planning Committee, led by Glenn Preminger, MD, Andrew Armstrong, MD, and Michael Ferrandino, MD, in collaboration with the Duke Office of Continuing Medical Education made the difficult, but necessary decision to cancel the 2020 DUA to support efforts to contain and mitigate against threats posed by the coronavirus outbreak.
July 7, 2020 – POSTPONED - New Date TBD - All Duke-sponsored on-campus activities scheduled for the summer are cancelled.
Inaugural David F Paulson Lecture
Brant Thrasher, MD – former fellow of Dr. Paulson – 1991-92, Executive Secretary, American of Urology, Former Chair, Kansas University Medical Center
“Nutrition and Prostate Cancer – Results from the WARRIOR Trial”
November 17 - 18, 2020
Dr. Chris Winters, LSU Medical Center, New Orleans
February 2 - 3, 2021
Michael Coburn, MD, Baylor College of Medicine
April 8-11, 2021
53rd Annual Duke Urologic Assembly
Disney Grand Floridian Resort, Orlando, FL