
Top Stories

Thursday, May 14

Our most popular stories this week, along with editors' picks:

Here are the highlights:

1. The last days of the Cleveland Plain Dealer
Two decades ago, the newspaper employed over three hundred fifty staffers. Tomorrow, the four remaining staffers will be laid off.

2. Who benefits from remdesivir coverage?
MSNBC ran at least five stories about the drug, but not one mentioned the financial interests of those responsible for its popularity surge.

3. The COVID-19 stimulus debate is a pivotal climate story
Government programs being devised to revive pandemic-stricken economies must be green.

4. The complications of federal assistance for newsrooms
Taking government money isn’t an ideal situation for newsrooms. But neither is taking money from hedge funds. We can scrutinize power systems other than politics.

5. The Tow Center COVID-19 Newsletter: Facebook examines itself
Excerpts from a conversation between Tow Center director Emily Bell and CJR’s Mathew Ingram about the Facebook Oversight Board.

6. The Animal Fact Checker
While Natasha Daly doesn’t mean to disappoint, she hates to see fake news about animals.

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