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As the school year comes to a close, we are all wondering what the start of the 2020-2021 school year will look like for students.  Additionally, what affect has virtual learning or school from home had on student learning? Research shows that the average loss for a second to ninth-grader during a summer break is 25% - 30% of the school year learning (Atteberry & McEachin, 2016). The question now becomes what will be the impact of the “summer loss” combined with months of time spent schooling from home? Some are predicting that the average regression for this period of time could go as high as 50% to 60%, especially in math skills. 

Now more than ever it is critical for caregivers not to abandon daily learning. Daily learning can look very different from the new norm of schooling from home, but it is still significant for combatting the loss of skills over a break. Learning can occur during nature walks, family cooking, or even household chores. Concepts of reading, math, and writing can be incorporated into many aspects of any family summer break. 

To help caregivers with ideas, we have created a June and July calendar of activities for you to try and to share with others. 

Please be safe and enjoy your summer!
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