Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Welcome to the new normal,

a normal which is so different from anything we have known before.

Where constant changes and moving parts set the tone,
and the only certain and known
is the here and now, and this very moment.
From a pretty stable reality, we shifted into a global ‘these times’,
and even the current global reopening
may, or may not,
be only a phase in this adventurous trip.
The faster we learn to play it by the winds, to flow like water,
to balance firm and flexible, strong and soft,
to be attentive, detached, responsive, compassionate,
to move by our inner guidance and intuition -
the easier and blessed this time will be.
The most important now,

is to keep working on your inner stable core,
and develop more ways to draw magic, motivation, fulfillment and passion into your life
regardless of any external circumstances, or happenings,
or even human connection or social interaction.

To be calm, content and energetic from inside.
Let’s speak today about creating a rich everyday life
no matter where you are and what you’re doing,
and next time we can continue with self motivation.

Life of abundance
is life of what there is.

Lao Tzu, the founder of philosophical Taoism, wrote:

Express yourself in full,
then keep quiet.

Be like the forces of nature:
When it blows, there is only wind;
When it rains, there is only rain.
When the clouds pass,
the sun shines through.


And Osho elaborated:

Creativity is the quality that you are bringing to the activity that you are doing.
It is an attitude, an inner approach…

If everyone was a painter, the world would be very ugly.

The most mundane tasks take on a sacred quality
when they are performed with your total involvement, love, joy,
for their own sake.

When you become one with them.
5 keys to making it soulfully meaningful and miraculous:
1. Be in full
At every time, at every moment.

Engage your senses – smell, touch, taste, hear, see.

Open your heart to the beauty of the small things,
to the perfection of everyday’s items,
to the harmony around you, in your own living space, in your own body.

Connect with the pleasure in your life,
can you find it? At least in one place? Two? More?
2. Feel in full
Your feelings and emotions are your most reliable team,
which can lead you straight into your inner treasures,
if you just let them.

Start with acknowledging these devoted players,
with letting them be.

Learn to stay, open and present,
embrace the dark as much as the light,
the light as much as the dark.

Connect with them, be curious, listen.
The entire world is happening inside of you… There is nothing outside,
besides a reflection, a movie.

Let your inner life bring you life.

3. Heal and grow in full
Realize your thoughts, your protective ego, the way you function.
The ego can only employ what it has in hand,
meaning - your own qualities,
though it does it in a twisted very-narrow way.

What assets of yours does it use to protect you?
What superpowers? what values?

What greatness is hidden inside and behind your patterns, reactions, automatisms, habits?

4. Manifest in full
Actualization is at each and every moment,
you constantly attract, co-create, the reality around you.

An empty sink, a clean room, a well done job –
make it purposeful.
Connect, intend.
Action is only the vehicle
through which you give ideas and visions life and expression,
using your unique way and approach.

There are no small manifestations… there are small minds,
labeling and ranking our creations.

5. Enjoy in full

Lack is only in our head.
life and reality is about ‘what there is’, not ‘what there is not’.

It’s our mind who creates the gaps,
the story between expectation and disappointment,
about scarcity and insufficiency.
When you live in the moment, you live the abundance.

And are naturally drawn
into gratitude and awe.
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - Make Covid-19 Your Pivotal Time

A 10 weeks deep self empowerment transformation
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
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  • Shift into your best version path
Check the launch offer here Leader of My Life

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  • Pick what you need from the new COVID-19 special offers
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