
Spring Activities Roundup
Student of the Month
Remote Viewing Contest

Psyhigh Spirit


Spring Activities Roundup

Students came out in droves—from their homes, dorms, orbital stations, and underwater habitats—to take part in Psyhigh's smorgasbord of school sanctioned events. From Necromancy Club to Mind Baking to Extrasensory Archery and more, Psyhigh students are making the most of their extracurricular activities.
Flesh-eating Entity Club, Anyone?

Student of the Month 

May's Student of the Month is going through a lot of big changes in her life, and getting used to the terms of her house arrest is just one of them. Meet Lily Piedmont and take a walk on the wild side.
Meet May's Student of the Month

Remote Viewing Contest

Congratulations to Heiki Halonen (🚹) of Vantaa, FINLAND, for identifying this month's remote viewing object: an Iridium MAX BKR6E-IX-P spark plug. We've put it in a small padded box and mailed it to Heiki. Could you be our next winner? Tulka has selected a new object and placed it in his paper sack. Use your remote viewing powers to identify it and you could win next month's prize. Let us know what you see at
Tell Us What You See

Psyhigh Spirit

This month we received a lovely new reminiscence from Children's Circle, updates from a solo student field trip, some revolutionary psychic dogma, as well a visit from an upperclassman, a truth-seeker, an early-riser, and a visitor from a strange and frightening land.

Are you ready for summer term? Let Ms. Hazeltine know in your journal, remember to upvote us here, and be sure to visit our sponsor Zephyr Air Transport for all your airborne special delivery needs.


Psychic High School
Mind Baking Club was particularly interested in ancient Egyptian cake recipes. 
Jasmine Sphinx Oil is only available as an ingredient to students in Animal Home Economics.
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