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Deagon Ward E-News

June 2020 

Restrictions have eased once again! On the back of consistent and widespread quarantine measures the Premier was able to provide Queenslander's with more freedom in regard to socialising, travelling and enjoying this great place we call home. The fact these restrictions were eased well in advance is a general testament to our communities ability to pull together and get the job done.

Further updates on the restrictions can be found here.

While quarantine is still in the fore of our minds it is vital we don't forget to consider matters unrelated. 

In the month of June we saw the Brisbane City Council hand down the annual Plan and Budget for 2020-21. While there was some big losses in regard to City wide projects like the Kerbside Collection, Deagon Ward was still able to secure much needed funding. Projects on the Brighton Foreshore, Einbunpin Lagoon and along many of our roads have been locked in for the upcoming year and I look forward to seeing some of our hard work pay off! 

Also finishing up recently was the Salvation Army's Digital door knock. The Red Shield Appeal adapted to the trying times and with the help of the Northside community put in a huge effort to raise $4,086,517 million dollars. I'd like to thank those that got onboard with my Northside Digital Doorknock and send out a huge congratulations to the Salvo's, what an outstanding effort in very difficult situation.

If you can spare a dollar or two further donations can be made here.

Also vitally important to note was National Reconciliation week (27 May to 3 June). This was a week that provided a real opportunity for us to consider and appreciate all that the Aboriginal community brings to the Ward. I've been particularly impressed by programs like Kurbingui Youth Development and Deadly Runners Sandgate, both of which are unbelievable assets to our youth and wider community.

Moving forward, I encourage everyone to enjoy the eased restrictions and get back out and about within Deagon Ward!

If you are part of a local community group and want me to feature an upcoming event in my e-news please contact my office to arrange this. 


Jared Cassidy

COVID-19 News and Updates

UPDATE as of the 3rd of July

As announced by the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk stage three of the restriction road-map has come into effect today.

The Changes are as follows:


Family, friends and community

  • Private, non-commercial (e.g. home) gatherings of up to 100 with friends and family
  • Weddings and funerals (max 100 people)§
  • Maximum number of persons at museums, art galleries, libraries and historic sites determined by the one person per 4 square metre rule
  • Sport, recreation and fitness organisations when following a COVID Safe Industry Plan:
    • resumption of activity including competition and physical contact is permitted on the field of play
    • indoor sports facilities can open with one person per 4 square metres (off the field of play)
    • outdoor sports facilities can open with physical distancing (off the field of play).

Businesses and economy

  • Maximum number of customers for a business at any one time is determined by the 4 square metre rule
  • For smaller venues below 200 square metres, businesses can have one person per 2 square metres up to 50 persons at a time
  • The following businesses and areas may re-open with a COVID Safe Plan:
    • casinos, gaming and gambling venues (including electronic gaming machines)
    • non-therapeutic massage^
    • saunas and bathhouses^
    • nightclubs
    • food courts
  • Office-based workers can return to their place of work
  • Up to 25,000 spectators or 50% of capacity (whichever is the lesser) at Queensland’s Major Sports Facilities, with a COVID Safe Plan
  • Concert venues, theatres and auditoriums can open and have up to 50% capacity or one person per 4 square metres (whichever is the greater), with a COVID Safe Plan
  • More events allowed:
    • fewer than 500 people – no approval needed when following a COVID Safe Event Checklist
    • 500 to 10,000 people – need a COVID Safe Event Plan approved by local public health units
    • over 10,000 people – need a COVID Safe Event Plan approved by the Queensland Chief Health Officer
  • COVID Safe Industry Plans continue to apply with revisions to reflect changes in Stage 3. COVID Safe Checklists continue to apply.

 More information regarding the specifics and further plans can be found at:




The NBC Salvos does a huge amount of great work across our community here on the Northside.

This year, like so many other things, the Salvos' Red Shield Appeal operated a bit differently.

However the people of the Northside still showed up helping the drive reach a great total, over $4 million dollars!

These Funds are being put to great use with the appeal focusing this year on three main groups of vulnerability.

They are as follows:

Practical support
Help a fellow Australian who has fallen into financial hardship with a box of essential groceries, clean clothing or a hygiene pack.

Safety from violence
Give an isolated mother and child safety from domestic violence, by providing accommodation and a caring Salvo Officer.

Care & Company
Send friendship to an isolated and lonely elderly or disabled person through a food delivery and phone calls.


Donations can still be made by following the prompts at


Throughout the month of June, the joint effort of Jared Cassidy and Stirling Hinchliffe to provide care packages has helped those who needed a hand up in these hard times.

These Care packages from here on out will be made to order.

If you are in need of these essential items please get into contact with either my office at 3667 6011 or Stirling's office at 3639 9100.


National Reconciliation Week 2020

This week (27 May to 3 June) was time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This starts right here in our own local Deagon Ward community.

Councillor Cassidy has had the pleasure to work closely with organisations like Koobara Kindy, Kurbingui Youth Development, Deadly Runners Sandgate and the Noonga Reconciliation Group who are passionate advocates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the Northside.

If we are to heal the damage and hurts of the past, we need to come together to listen to Australian’s First Nations voices to recognise the facts and engage in truth-telling about our history.



The Sandgate Town Hall was lit red on the 29th of May to raise awareness and acknowledge the impact Cystic Fibrosis has on families and communities.

Cr Cassidy joined David, a.k.a Dagwood, earlier this month to have a chat about what this event means. 

As you may know, David lost his brother Peter (Peebo) to CF earlier this year. PEEBO and Dagwood were a well known and well loved entertainment act that kept the Northside community laughing through the toughest times for decades on end.

This was yet another example of this disease's ability to devastate not only a family, but an wider community, like ours here on the Northside. 

Please, if you can, consider making a donation:


Budget Updates for Deagon Ward

With the Budget handed down for the upcoming financial year, residents of Deagon Ward were finally able to find out what we were able to secure!

While cuts to wider programs like the Kerbside Collection was a great disappointment, locally within our Ward, funding for long standing projects like the Einbunpin Lagoon and Brighton foreshore have been locked in. Other big wins for the Ward can be seen with the substantial investment in Sandgate Memorial Park, ensuring that a high level of respect and reverence is maintained in a historic public park.

Further Information regarding the individual projects and their scope will be released as information is provided in the coming weeks.

Copyright © 2020 Cr Jared Cassidy, All rights reserved.

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