

Promoting, Supporting, and Leading Local Emergency Communications Activities

May 2020 Newsletter

The purpose of Georgia AUXCOMM is to promote, support, and lead emergency communications activities that support community needs. This is our monthly newsletter. 

Please share this newsletter with your fellow emergency communicators. They can sign-up by clicking on the Subscribe button in the top left of the following web link:

May Training Meeting - 5/28/2020, 8pm

You're invited! Ross Merlin, WA2WDT, and Steve Waterman, K4CJX, will be giving a presentation about the Department of Homeland Security’s SHARES (SHAred RESources) HF radio program. 

Ross Merlin, WA2WDT

Ross Merlin is the program manager of the Department of Homeland Security’s SHARES (SHAred RESources) HF radio program. SHARES makes it possible for HF radio stations of all levels of government and those of critical infrastructure / key resources providers to have interoperable emergency communications over long distances without dependence on vulnerable infrastructure.
Before joining the NCC Ross was with DHS’s Office of Emergency Communications, where he wrote the “National Interoperability Field Operations Guide” (NIFOG) and established the public safety VHF interoperability repeater channels.
Other emergency communications experience includes DHS Spectrum Manager, FNARS (FEMA National Radio System) team leader and FEMA Spectrum Manager, and Telecommunications and Information Resources Manager for the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services’ National Disaster Medical System. Ross provided front-line communications support during major disaster deployments including Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Marilyn etc., and managed the National Disaster Medical System’s emergency operations center for the 9/11 disaster response.

Ross earned a B.S. degree magna cum laude in Information Systems Management from the University of Maryland. He holds an Amateur Extra Class operator license, station license WA2WDT, and a General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL).

Steve Waterman, K4CJX

Steve Waterman, K4CJX, has held an amateur radio license since 1955. Retired from a career as VP of Telco Research Corporation, an independent telecommunications software and network design business, and VP of New York, New England Telephone Exchange (NYNEX), a Regional Bell Operating Company. Currently, an active volunteer for civil authorities and their critical infrastructure partners, including: DHS CISA NCC SHARES Data Working Group, and SHARES Winlink radio email system’s administrator. FEMA Region IV Regional Communications Coordinating Working Group (RECCWG), Chairman for their Auxiliary Communications Working Group. Tennessee Emergency Management Agency COMU & ESC, TN Homeland Security District 5 Communications Committee. Williamson County, TN, EMA Reserves. Assistant Director. ARRL Delta Division. Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, (ARSFI) Immediate past president & current BOD member. He currently spends his time supporting Winlink, worldwide, both on the Amateur spectrum, and for government agencies and their critical infrastructure partners at all levels. 

This online meeting is open and free for interested amateur radio operators, ARES members, and anyone else with an interest in Emergency Communications & D-Star.  You do not have to be a member of Georgia AUXCOMM to attend.  We hope you'll join us. Here's the connection information:

May AUXCOMM Training
Thu, May 28, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 364-732-005

Georgia AUXCOMM supports COVID-19 efforts in Forsyth County.

On May 8th, the Forsyth County Emergency Management Agency utilized the service of the Forsyth County ARES and CERT teams led by ARES Emergency Coordinator and Forsyth County Sheriff Deputy Cpl. Peter Sabella to support two days of drive through Covid-19 testing at Central park in Cumming, Ga.

Among the volunteers were AuxComm members Joe Martin and Ryan Kovacs who acted as the communications managers for the 2-day event. Their roles included distributing public service radios from the EMA radio cache, training ARES members on the use of the radios and use of proper communication procedures. In addition, they also acted as the net control managers for both days of the event.

Day 1 was hosted by Highlands Medical Services which also provided medical personnel and test kits. The CERT and ARES team members performed various tasks from traffic flow control and directions/information to running live cultures between the testing area and onsite holding. Timely communication between choke points was key to preventing vehicles from backing up, ensuring everyone was able to get tested quickly, and ensuring the safety of both the public and working teams.

Day 2 the Georgia National Guard hosted the event and provided medical personnel and test kits. On the second day the teams performed similar tasks as on Day 1 of the event. This day the public service radios were unavailable so the team leveraged Amateur radio for command and control. Again, communication was key to the success of the event and the ARES operators proved to be ready for the task. The 2-day event tested over 250 Forsyth County residents.

The teams had never actually trained for managing a drive through pandemic test site. However, regularly scheduled training, leadership planning and regular joint exercises created well-rounded and cohesive teams able to respond to any type of event. These teams operate seamlessly without regard to type of emergency or what agency is involved.

Giving back to the community in a time of need is a core tenant for AUXCOMM, ARES and CERT.

- As reported by Joe Martin, WB4S
GaAUXCOMM needs your support!

We are in the process of setting up a website and establishing a non-profit membership organization.  Consider becoming an early bird supporter with a $30 donation.  This will become our annual dues amount and we'd appreciate your support so we can continue serving the community.  Here's a link you can use to donate via PayPal.

FAQ and Social Media

Keep in touch with Georgia AUXCOMM! We've prepared a handy FAQ about the organization and will regularly communicate updates from this monthly newsletter and via social media outlets.





Please direct all general questions and press inquiries to Georgia AUXCOMM PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, at


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