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Stay Connected!

Issue 3. 6th Week of Eastertide.

Hello <<First Name>>,

Welcome to another  issue of our "Stay Connected! e-letter" for the Pastoral Area of Greystones and Kilquade.

As our country begins to slowly readjust and open up slightly again, our church buildings have also reopened for private prayer.

We will continue to keep our church active by continuing to reach beyond the walls of the physical buildings. Engagement and participation in the faith community can take many forms.

We welcome you and encourage you to join us in some of the initiatives below.

Weekend Liturgy

This Sunday is the Feast of the Ascension and our liturgy focuses on the Great Commandment:  

‘Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’.  

This commission has been given to every baptised person. In these days the challenge has been how to ‘go’ and yet we have seen Discipleship in action in ways, ways that we could never have anticipated. 

At the beginning of each liturgy we begin by lighting the candles in the church and inviting you to light a candle at home at the same time. This is to remind us of the presence of Christ in all places. 

Tune in to the webcam before 11:30 am in order to get a front row seat. 
The Scripture readings are available daily and for Sunday.
Take time to check out our resource: Breaking Open the Word in Prayer

Fr. Seán Canon Smith reaches the Diamond Jubilee (60 years) of his Ordination on this coming Friday, 29 May 2020.

Fr. Seán will be our main celebrant at the 11:30 Mass  on Sunday 24th May. He will be speaking to how he has endeavoured to live out the ‘Great Commission’ through the 60 years of his priesthood. 

On Sunday, there will be a recording available through the website, of a conversation piece between Fr. John and Fr. Seán, recalling some of the key moments for him of his 60 years.

Protect Each Other… Pray For Each Other

Guidelines for Access to Churches for Private Prayer
Most of the churches where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved opened this week from 11am until 5pm.
Due to maintenance work, The Holy Rosary Church opens on Monday 24th May from 2pm to 6pm. 
On Sundays all of the churches will open from 1pm to 5pm.
Check out the Roadmap to Re-gathering and useful Guidelines
Novena to the Holy Spirit

Where the Spirit is there is creation and new life. Where the Spirit is, there is the living Christ. The Spirit is the breath of God’s creative love, so that whoever lives in the Spirit lives in the ever newness of God. – (Sr. Ilia Delio O.S.F.). 

We offer you a resource page each day to follow a Novena to the Holy Spirit.
We invite you to follow it at 3pm each day so that as a community we are praying it together, but if 3pm does not suit then choose another time.

You are welcome to send in a
prayer request. 

These prayers will be gathered each day before Mass and the intentions prayed for collectively.
Submit your prayer request.

Musical Moments for Reflection
Our theme this week is PEACE!
Click on any of the images below and listen to the piece of music,
reflecting on the words and music that you hear.

Peace & Quiet on Friday Night!

Each evening we join together for Night Prayer.
On Friday nights we use a form of Centering prayer.
This Friday we bring our attention to the presence of God within.

Do join us. You are welcome on a Friday and any other evening at 8pm.

Trócaire Boxes
Every year Trócaire asks for your help during Lent to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. The contents of each and every Trócaire box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference.
COVID-19 knows no borders, but we have shown that neither does our compassion.
Details of how we can return those donations are available here.
May Altar
If you have a May Altar at home, why not email in a photo to us by Wed 27th May to include in our Pastoral Area collage. Further details available here
Supports within the Community
There are many supports available to people during this time as we all adjust to a new normality. We have compiled a document with some of those supports that are available.
Spread the Word!
Feel free to forward this email onto someone you know.
Encourage others to register for this communication.
This is separate to registering with the parish, so it is required in order to receive the mailing.

Visit our websites for more: Greystones Parish and Kilquade Parish

Lift Up Your Hearts...
Copyright © 2020 Parishes of Greystones and Kilquade, All rights reserved.