May 21, 2020

Greetings Beloved Church!


I don’t know about you but this week seems harder with the quarantine, especially after losing another beloved member of our church. It feels really heartbreaking that we don’t get to celebrate Kris Sergienko, Howard Holder, and Betty Long like we would like to and in a way that really honors them and their life. I am so grateful for the ways you have all cared for their families: those who could visit, those who sent cards and those who prayed. This pandemic has stolen so much from us. It’s hard not to get angry and frustrated at times. We really do pray, “How long, O Lord?” 


This Sunday we are reflecting on the second pillar of Joy, humility. To be honest this one is a little more difficult to wrap my mind around. If anything, this pandemic has humbled us all whether we wanted to or not. This virus has impacted each and every one of us in small and big ways. At the onset of this, we witnessed our fellow human beings hoard toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Now the culture is shifting, as people are sharing their goods with one another. I never thought welcome home baskets from the NICU would include toilet paper! And what a precious gift it is! We see people making homemade masks for their family, friends and neighbors and even people they have never met before. We take a walk in the neighborhood and for some reason we are more inclined to say hello, make eye contact and wave. Why? Because we know we are all in the same boat. We are deeply affected by this hard time. We ache from the collective pain and trauma. 


We are all trying our best to stay well while quarantining at home. Some days we feel like we are rocking it- others we think there’s no way we are going to make it.  I don’t know about you, but I get frustrated with myself- when I can’t rise above it and just make the best of the situation. But I think that’s where we get stuck. We think it is all about relying on our own power rather than turning to God for help. Believe me, we all need God’s help in our lives right now. We are not going to be able to get through this pandemic just by our own stamina and sheer determination. Instead, we’ve got to rely on God’s power to see us through this. We have to trust in God during this time, because it’s way too hard to do it all on our own. When we can recognize that we need to turn to God, and trust that God will provide what we need in this time, we realize that we have been lifted up by God’s love and grace. 


What’s one area in your life where you need God’s help but you are having a hard time asking God? I want to invite you to pray about it this week. If you want to share it with me, please do so I can be in prayer for you too. You are not alone. I am not alone. We are not alone. God is with us and God will see us through this- together! 


Pastor Sharon urged us to "find ways to step into the world this week without leaving your home to share Christ with others."

Here are a few ways we can do that:

Browns Point UMC Food Bank -- while we don't want to forget our friends and neighbors who've been coming to our Food Bank on Fridays, we need to ask you to NOT drop off any more food or packages at this time. We can't open up until we are given permission and Tina is keeping in contact with them.  If you want to make sure the people get fed, please follow the link below in the paragraph about Nourish Pierce County. When we are allowed, we will be grateful for your contributions, but right now, they aren't getting to where you want them.

Nourish Pierce County from a letter on May 19
 To our Nourish Community,
Thank you.
 With your help, we have made it through the first 2 months of this crisis. We have changed our service model to a drive-thru, boxed service distribution, sent the majority of our volunteers home to stay safe, and welcomed over 50 WA State National Guard members into the Nourish family. Nourish is able to continue serving the community because of your generosity - be it time, talent or treasure.
 Today, I’d like to share with you a photo essay from our friends at the New York Times featuring Nourish Pierce County. Please take the time to view it and feel a sense of pride in the fact that you are making a difference in the lives of people you may never meet.
Nourish in The New York Times
 We still have a long way to go. With your continued support, Nourish will be here for everyone who needs food...because everyone deserves to eat.
 Be well and stay safe,
Chief Executive Officer
UMCOR is celebrating for the entire year! It's their 80th birthday and they have many worthy projects you can help with. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, Global Ministries and UMCOR have given half a million dollars in direct assistance to communities affected by COVID-19. This includes support for:
  • Food pantries in the U.S., Latin America, Africa and the Philippines
  • Personal protective equipment, sanitation equipment and water
  • Toilet paper, diapers, facial tissue and hygiene products
  • Utilities assistance
The need, though, remains great. Requests are received daily from churches and ministry partners in the U.S. and around the world - your help is needed today!

100% of your gift to the Sheltering in Love UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund will immediately address the basic needs of many vulnerable communities.

Your gift today will demonstrate compassion and care.





You have been receiving two separate emails regarding worship - one with the invitation to the different places and one with the order of worship.

This week, you will receive only one email - it in will be a link to the Order of Worship.

The Order of Worship link will take you to a pdf file that is, essentially, your bulletin, complete with all the words to the songs.

Also, within that worship bulletin, if you just "bring it up" on your screen and don't print it out, you will be able to sign-in (like our Connection cards) and also fill out a prayer request.

This email will also have the links for worship for:
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • BPUMC website
  • both Zoom worships
  • Coffee with Pastor Katie (& maybe Kahlan will put in an appearance every now and then!)
All you will have to do is click on the link for the worship that works best for you!

And, as has been happening - the email with the links will show up in your email about 11:30am on Saturday.

PS - could you please remember to fill out the 'Connection Card'? All it takes is a click to follow the link, then you fill in the blanks!


You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: May 24, 2020 11:15 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here

This link will (at least for a while) take you to the page to register; there is a drop down where the date is, if it doesn't list this coming Sunday's date, change it so that it reads correctly. Hopefully, this link will remain the same. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Read Along with the Sermon Series!

Pastor Katie is doing a Sermon Series based on "The Book of Joy" by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dali Lama.  If you'd like to read and enjoy along with listening to the sermons, we encourage you to purchase your own copy.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have survived more than fifty years of exile and the soul-crushing violence of oppression. Despite their hardships—or, as they would say, because of them—they are two of the most joyful people on the planet.

In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu traveled to the Dalai Lama's home in Dharamsala, India, to celebrate His Holiness's eightieth birthday and to create what they hoped would be a gift for others. They looked back on their long lives to answer a single burning question: How do we find joy in the face of life's inevitable suffering?

They traded intimate stories, teased each other continually, and shared their spiritual practices. By the end of a week filled with laughter and punctuated with tears, these two global heroes had stared into the abyss and despair of our time and revealed how to live a life brimming with joy.

This book offers us a rare opportunity to experience their astonishing and unprecendented week together, from the first embrace to the final good-bye.

We get to listen as they explore the Nature of True Joy and confront each of the Obstacles of Joy—from fear, stress, and anger to grief, illness, and death. They then offer us the Eight Pillars of Joy, which provide the foundation for lasting happiness. Throughout, they include stories, wisdom, and science. Finally, they share their daily Joy Practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives.
You can purchase your copy at Amazon by clicking on the link or the picture of the book.


We know that we have not met for worship and so you have not had the opportunity to share your tithes and offerings for this month.  
We would encourage you to mail your donations to the church or, if you use your bank's  "Bill Payer" option for routine payments, please consider adding the church to that list.  

Did you know that through your bank's "bill pay" you could set up recurring (weekly, monthly, etc.) payments to make sharing your gift even easier? While most banks do not have open lobbies, many of them are more than willing to take your phone call and help you get this set up.

And one more thought to share with you - if you are giving to a "special" cause such as our Acts 2:45, or the food bank, or whatever, please don't forget to put that in the memo line. And check to see if your bank Bill Pay has a memo line (mine does) so that your gift goes to the account you have designated.

Just one more way you can help us help others.

Your giving is a blessing to many.
This Week at Browns Point UMC
Currently, everything that is planned is on hold, cancelled or postponed.
Sunday Morning Worship
until Bishop Stanovsky issues a new update,
all "in person" worship services in the Greater NW Annual Conferences are suspended until further notice (at this time it could be the end of June)

Church Office Hours -- 
Sharon Meeds is in the office on Wednesday mornings (& some Thursdays) to deal with "office" things.  She goes on Saturday to get the last of the mail.
The phones and email are being monitored from home.
Mail is being taken care of and the Counters come in once a week to deal with checks that we receive.

Paul Bern, Johnny Alexander and Al Meeds are "checking in" on our building and grounds to make sure everything is as it should be.

The Staff Parish Relations Committee commissioned a gift for Pastor Sharon in appreciation for everything she did for us. They chose to present it to her now, and hopefully, when we are able to meet together, she will come and share her thanks with all of us.  It's purple (since she was with us for Advent and Lent) and has part of her favorite Bible verse on it, along with a flower and a little lace!
(and if you lost the address so that you could send her a personal thank you -- its 11304 Madera Gardens Dr SW, Lakewood, Wa 98499)

Prayer Requests

Since we can't meet face-to-face to share our Prayer Requests and we can't list them on our Connection Cards, please remember to share your prayer requests at this site or you can send them to the church email address so that we get you or your loved one onto our prayer list.  We don't want to miss anybody who is in need of prayers.

Prayer requests have been going out on Mondays, but if there is an urgent need, one can be sent at any time - either email the church office or call.


Youth Mission Trip  - We've received some sad news.......

Due to the pandemic, this summer’s mission trip has been canceled. We are sad to be unable to participate but agree with SSP’s decision to cancel for the safety of our youth and the community. Youth Group is grateful for the congregation’s generous support.

Donations will be applied toward Mission Trip 2021. 
Still on a Mission
Still going strong

Your Pig on  Mission

I know your must be tired of seeing our little Pig on a Mission! We hope to some day soon bring all our little Piggies home (kinda like our small toes!)

Your pig must be getting full!   And still on a Mission!  Keep your Pig out in the Mission field and don't forget to help your pig get fuller and fuller!

Since we didn't get to return them in Palm Sunday, you will be able to bring them home in May! (we hope)
Think of the blessing it will be to our two groups that are going to benefit if you keep filling your Mission Pigs as a way to count your blessings!

A big "Welcome Home from Mission" is being thought about as a way to share our Pigs blessings with us and with those who they will bless.

And, it would be grand if each Pig had a check for all that's in his/her tummy sticking out of the coin slot -- a way to bless our wonderful Counters (but they will be happy to count change too)

Pigs on a Mission will benefit our friends at My Sister’s Pantry and UMCOR (their general fund, not a specific Advance number)

Save This Date

Lifetime Learners Lunch - watch for updates
watch for further updates depending upon Bishop Stanovsky and Governor Inslee

Lenten Study - postponed until further notice

Pastor Sharon has agreed and is excited to come when all is safe to lead us in the continuation of our study!

“Why? Making Sense of God’s Will”
by Adam Hamilton.  


Hi All,


I'll miss you all.  Please take all preventative measures you can!

Easy Writer's Writing Group 

Will meet at
10:30am & 7pm when we are allowed to be together again.
We will share a real or not story about how our grandparents met!
Come and try your writing skills - all are welcome. 

All are welcome. 
For more information contact

Next Meeting: please check with Rhonda


Since it appears that we will not be able to meet face-to-face for a while, we will update you on the book we will use when we can get together.

When we next meet we will still be going "A Better Planet:  Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future", Daniel C. Etsy (Editor). 

Watch for the time and day when we are again allowed to meet face-to-face!

Questions please contact Constance at


       (click on the book or follow the "buy your book" button below)
Buy Your Book Here
Youth Group  

The Youth will be participating in Zoom meetings - watch for the dates!

Youth Group will meet the
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month beginning
May through June 7.  
Come and share ideas for things to learn,
things to do and updates on what's happening.

Youth Medical Release/Permission form
There will be an All-Church Baby Shower for
Rev. Katie, Nathan and Kahlan! 

The Youth Group is sponsoring the Shower and our Care Team will be providing cake.
The date is yet to be determined, but the time may be after 2nd Service -- but we wanted to let everybody know that there is a shower planned.
The "star" of the shower will very likely not be putting in an appearance - but her co-stars (at least Mom) will be there. (The second co-star will most likely have to stay home with the star -- you know how some stars can be such divas!)

The date still isn't sent --- but we wanted to share with you so that you can be thinking ahead for that special time when all is once again as it should be.

You will find Katie & Nathan's registry here:  Katie Klosterman

They are on Amazon, so if you are going to the registry, please sign in with your Amazon Smile (especially if you have BPUMC as your Smile partner!).  You can also look under "Registry" & then Baby Registry, put in Katie's name and city/state.

They have many things listed - join together with your group & get some wonderful items



Currently all of our Camps are hoping to be open this Summer.  The Shelter-in-Place has proven to be extremely hard on all of them, but they are hanging in there!

Did you know that Camp Indianola  and Ocean Park have had to cancel all of their summer events?

Lazy F and Twinlow are still hoping to be able to hold some of their events (Twinlow is in Idaho and Lazy F is in Kittitas County, which is asking to move on to another phase.

Did you know that Lazy F Camp (near Ellensburg) offers a Grand Camp for Grands and grandkids?
Did you know that Twinlow (near Coeur d’Alene) also has a Family Camp?

All of our camps are really hurting at this point. If you would like to donate to help them so that they will be able to continue maybe this Fall (they hold year-round events) and next year, they would be grateful!

These are all camps that our Pacific NW Conference owns & operates.

Check out the Camp Brochures here or go online to

Reimagining Life Together - Guidelines for Reopening Buildings and Returning to In-Person Ministry

Reimagining Life Together is a living document subject to change as new information is received about the virus and the best practices to mitigate its spread. We will periodically update this document with modest changes in the interest of perfecting this work. Pastoral leaders will be notified if and when significant changes are made. In both cases, the front page of the document will provide information noting the date of the latest revision.

Additional Guidelines can be found by clicking on the link.
If you want to know more about the upcoming General Conference in 2021 or our own PNW Annual Conference or you want to know what is going on within the other United Methodist Churches in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska, you can follow this link or you can sign up to receive the PNW News Digest in your email.  
Browns Point UMC

We will be worshipping with a Facebook Live, YouTube, on our Website and 8:30am Zoom worship and 10am Zoom worship until further notice.
Our normal Sunday morning worship is
at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.
All are welcome!

Youth Group meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays with Zoom meetings, 11:15am; March-June 2020

For more information visit or call 253.927.3188

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