
Laurel Hall Students EMBRACE Learning


Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day (No School)
Thursday, May 28 - Last Day for 8th grade
Friday, May 29 - 8th Grade Graduation
Wednesday, June 3 - Last Day for 5th grade
Thursday, June 4 - Last Day for TK-4th, 6th and 7th grade
Thursday, July 23 - Summer Blood Drive
Wednesday, September 2 - Laurel Hall Welcome Back Activities 
Thursday, September 3 - 1st Day of School (12:00 Dismissal )
Friday, September 4 - 2nd Day of School (12:00 Dismissal) 
Monday, September 7 - Labor Day (No Schoo

Watch the video for the Weekly Chapel Message from Pastor Jeff!
Instagram/Facebook: @astrocamp

DiscoveryOnstage is proud to introduce Storycrafters, an interactive virtual collaboration bringing a fresh approach to character creation and story-telling, all in keeping with the foundations of imagination and student-led creativity that our families have come to expect. 

Similar to our Summer Acting Camp, Storycrafters provides your young person the opportunity to take part in a creative exploration with like-minded peers to develop something completely unique! Through structured assignments and twice weekly meetings, DO'ers will collaborate with their Director, Writer and Graphic Designer to create a one-of-a-kind audio/visual storybook, using the craft of acting, vocal production and personal character-driven artwork and story boards. 

Not only will your young person be able to safely socialize from the comfort of home, he or she will also gain a sense of ownership in something dynamic and important, the cornerstone of DiscoveryOnstage.

  • Who: Ages 5-17
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • When: June 1 - July 2 (Session 1), June 29 - July 30 (Session 2)
  • Tuition: $250 per session
For more information and frequently asked questions, please visit our page.
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month
Promote positivity and support emotional well-being with these mental health and mindfulness apps.
Sign Up for Our Weekly Learning at Home Newsletter
Sign Up
Looking for some help with remote teaching? Look no further! We've put together a weekly newsletter with all kinds of helpful K-5 content. And you can sign up for your particular grade level!

Each newsletter will include: 
  • Teacher tips
  • Hands-on activities
  • Mindfulness and exercise ideas
  • Fun websites, games, and apps
  • And more!
How can I keep my kid motivated for online learning through the end of the school year?
What can I do to prep my kid for the final push?
Check in
We're in the Upside Down now, and kids—uncertain about their education, isolated, and grappling with new routines—may be motivated by different things than before. Your Type A kid may no longer work for gold stars, and your slowpoke may speed through work just to get it over with. See how they're holding up, ask how they feel, determine what they want to accomplish, and figure out what you can do to support them.
Lead by example
While we're all excited to be done with this "triage" education, keep your attitude positive and your approach consistent. If you sense your kid is flagging, find role models—from movies, books, or real life—whose grit may inspire your tween.
Build their work ethic
Yes, it's down to the last few assignments. But remember that learning is a lifelong goal. When discussing the end of the year, focus on the skills kids are building, the value of seeing things through, and the feeling of accomplishment. Most kids can push themselves when it's something they love, like creating a successful game or mastering dance choreography. Ask them to call on the same skills that drive them in other areas.
Praise effort
Maybe they got a problem wrong but asked the right questions. Maybe they breezed through the day's reading assignment when yesterday's was tough. Now, more than ever, taking notice of and commenting positively on how your kid is growing and progressing can really give them forward momentum.
What are some surefire techniques I can do immediately to motivate my kid?
The basics
  • Provide structure and routine. Sticking to a schedule provides the stability kids need to keep their eyes on the prize. Plus, it minimizes their instincts to go rogue. When expectations are set, it's more likely they'll be met.
  • Establish accountability. Maybe you can't motivate your kid—but their best friend can. Have them schedule daily check-ins over text or social media with a friend. Accountability helps kids realize they're not alone and gives them a tangible reason to work hard.
  • Incentivize. Kids may be motivated by rewards, but you want to make it feel as though they've earned their treat (or you'll end up in a vicious cycle). If they finish one packet, they get a half hour on the tablet; two packets, 45 minutes; etc. (Screen-time rewards may not be your usual motivation go-to, but we are in unusual times!)
Make it special
  • Mark the occasion. Give kids something to look forward to. Plan an (online) family/friend celebration, like a virtual class party or a Zoom dance. Or do a family movie night and let them choose what to watch.
  • Let them see progress. Use a calendar or another visual aid to mark time so they can see how much they've accomplished and how much more there is to go.
  • Do a related activity. Build upon and extend what they're learning with a natural connection. If they're learning about the solar system, let them stay up late and use an astronomy app to map the night sky.
Mix it up
  • Be willing to experiment. If a kid is struggling with reading a book, turn it into a read-aloud or get an audiobook. If math is "too boring," do the problems on a whiteboard or outside using sidewalk chalk. A change of scenery can do wonders for a kid's motivation.
  • Break up the day. If you have some control over when they do the work, break things up a little. Let them have a slower-paced morning and do their work after lunch. Make an agreement in advance: "If you take the morning off, you still have to get your schoolwork done before you can play online with your friends later today."
  • Change the timing. There's nothing magical about the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.—that's just when we're all used to school happening. Of course, if your kids are in online classes, you have to accommodate those schedules. But for things like working through a packet of assignments from a teacher, there's no harm in experimenting with different times of day. Sometimes the change is all it takes.
What if I just can't motivate my kid?
Appeal to a favorite teacher
A word of encouragement, such as a recorded video message, a text, or an email, from a beloved teacher can be just the thing. Your kid wouldn't want to let the teacher down.
Rule out other issues
Sometimes what looks like a lack of motivation is actually a kid covering up for a problem. Probe for underlying issues and address them. If they just need a mental health break, these apps may help.
Adjust expectations
If we've learned anything during this crisis it's to expect the unexpected. Your kid may not end the year where they—or you—were hoping to. Insist on the bare minimum (completion of all assignments), and set up natural consequences for noncompliance (maybe they miss an end-of-year celebration). Empathize with your kid's feelings and move on. Allow yourself a moment to gather your strength and recharge. Celebrate the little victories, and remember, this too shall pass.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is a leading source of entertainment and technology resources for both parents and educators. There are many resources on their website to assist you during this Safer at Home time,

Scholastic Go!
Laurel Hall has a Scholastic Go! account which you can access from home. Scholastic Go! provides credible, accurate, reliable content on a wide variety of subjects in a multitude of media. Explore nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more with this easy-to-navigate digital resource for grades TK-12. To access the Laurel Hall account do the following:

Username: laurelhall
Password: grolier

At a time when we could all use some good news, the Emmanuel Lutheran Foundation is pleased to announce great news- $20, 000 in Foundation scholarships will go to 10 Laurel Hall students for the 2020-2021 school year. Not only is this the Foundation’s largest annual scholarship gift on record, it also marks an incredible $200, 000 total in student scholarships that the Foundation has given over the years. 

Congratulations to our scholarship students!! 

We’ll honor this year’s recipients during Sunday’s online service and look forward to an in person celebration at church as soon as we’re able. 

Scholarships are made possible because of the generosity of the Tina Overton Brende Scholarship Fund, the Eames Family Scholarship Fund, the Emmanuel Lutheran Foundation Board Scholarship Fund and people like you! 

A lasting legacy in memory of those who value a Christian education and academic excellence 

Thank you!


Emmanuel Lutheran Church Blood Drive was originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 9 from 1:00PM-7:00PM. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that we needed a larger space to accommodate social distancing. We have rescheduled our event for Thursday, July 23, from 1:00PM-7:00PM in the Parish Hall. 

Please consider donating blood at a facility near your home or workplace up through next Thursday, May 28. Any donations after May 28 will disqualify you from participating in our own Emmanuel blood in July. Thank you for sharing the gift of life!


“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God." - Ephesians 2:8

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TWITTER: @thelaurelhall
FACEBOOK: @laurelhallschool
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