Dear <<First Name>>, 

Carmen Rubio, Executive Director of long-time SVP Community Partner, Latino Network, made history this week when she was elected as the first Latinx member of Portland's City Council. 

In its announcement, Latino Network referenced the tremendous growth of the organization over the past decade:
“During her 10-year tenure as Latino Network’s Executive Director, Carmen Rubio accomplished a colossal number of successes. Carmen increased our budget from $500,000 to $10 million allowing our organization to further invest in our school-based, early childhood, family stability and advocacy programs. In this past year alone, Latino Network served over 8,000 families and in the last two months, we have fed over 2,500 families facing food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

We are proud to have partnered with Latino Network and Carmen for the past seven years, most recently to help scale its early childhood program, Juntos Aprendemos, statewide. 

SVP Partners will continue to support Latino Network’s team with their leadership succession planning. Partner Linda Weston began working with Latino Network last spring, to assist with an orderly transition, should Carmen win her race. “Because Carmen has been such an outstanding leader for the organization,” Linda says, “it is critical to be very strategic when selecting the new leader, so that momentum is not lost. SVP places a high value on our partnership with Latino Network, and recognizes the importance of a smooth transition to ensure continuity of their impactful work.”

You can read Latino Network’s full announcement here.
In partnership, 

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