Glasgow Community Food Network

Hello friend!
We are having a summer clean of our contacts and need your help.
We would love to still be able to send you our newsletter and invites to our networking events, but to do this, we need you to resubscribe to our mailing list.
Signing up will get you our monthly newsletter with all the latest updates from Glasgow Community Food Network, and exclusive invites to our events. We will never pass your details on to anyone else, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
We don't want to lose you so please take 1 minute to re-subscribe to our list here. However, if you would like to go your separate way for now, thank you so much for all your involvement and perhaps we'll speak again in the future.
All the best,
the GCFN team
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Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Glasgow Community Food Network. Our e-newsletter is sent on average once a month but we may also use it for important one-off updates.

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