Weekly Brief
May 24, 2020

TLN Commentary

Coronavirus economics gives an out to crown prince recklessness in Saudi Arabia, Debra Cagan, Sasha Toperich, The Hill

Memorial Day

Remembering Those Memorial Day Honors, CFR Blog


A French-German Initiative for the European Recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis, Governments of France and Germany 
The UK’s Approach to the Northern Ireland Protocol, Cabinet Office
Sweden Stayed Open. A Deadly Month Shows the Risks, Lauren Leatherby and Allison McCann, New York Times
The EU is undermining its democracies while funding its autocracies, R. Daniel Kelemen and Jacob Soll, Politico

Economic Implications

Betting Against Qatar’s Energy Sector Ignores a Lot of History, Roudi Baroudi, Qatar Tribune
Three ways COVID-19 will cause economic divergence in Europe, Christian Odendahl and John Springford, Centre for European Reform
The Future of the Dollar, Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Foreign Affairs
Can the WTO reform and remain relevant? Wendy Cutler, The Hill
The European Central Bank in the COVID-19 crisis: whatever it takes, within its mandate, Grégory Claeys, Bruegel

Geopolitical Changes

The Pandemic’s Geopolitical Aftershocks Are Coming, Tom McTague, The Atlantic
From Wuhan to the World: How the Pandemic Will Reshape Geopolitics, Francois Heisbourg, Survival


AI-Powered Biotech Can Help Deploy a Vaccine In Record Time, Ray Kurzweil, Wired
Protecting the financial system against the coming cyber storms, Juan Zarate, Tim Maurer, The Hill
Contact-tracing apps face serious adoption obstacles, Sarah Kreps, Baobao Zhang, Nina McMurry, Brookings
Mitigating Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preserving U.S. Strategic Competitiveness in Artificial Intelligence, National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

Strategy and Security

Grand strategy is no silver bullet, but it is indispensable, Andrew Ehrhardt, Maeve Ryan, War on the Rocks
Defending the U.S. Military Presence in Africa for Reasons beyond Counterterrorism, Judd Devermont, CSIS
A Proposed Frame for a New Strategic Concept for NATO, Fatih Ceylan, EDAM Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies
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