
The Daley Weekly

May 27
, 2020


So how is everyone hanging in? Ken and I are doing okay although we are still isolating and I'm dying to go to the beach but for now staying home seems to be the safest bet so staying home is what I'm going to do. Being isolated at home has given me the opportunity to tackle a few projects I've been wanting to get to. I've finally decided to have audio books created for at least a couple of my series so I'm starting with Zoe Donovan and The Inn at Holiday Bay. If that goes well I may tackle a few more. So far it has been a lot of work but I feel the audiobooks are turning out well. I'll post links as the books are made available. 

Topsail Sundays - book 2 in the three part story has published this week. The link to order or read on KU is in the body of the newsletter.

There is a cozy mystery sale this week. Check out books from your favorite authors including yours truly here - 

A rafflecopter has been provided for you to enter your answer to this months mystery if you are participating. One entrant from all those with the correct answer will be selected to receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

And as always, be sure to enter to win this weeks gift card giveaway. The entry form is provided toward the bottom of the newsletter. 


Let's Go Camping

Summer has finally arrived in the small town of Blahville which is when the locals all emerge from their homes for the annual town camping trip. The event is a popular one held in the nearby national park but this year twelve friends decided to set out on their own rather than joining the others as is tradition. The impromptu camping expedition starts off pleasant enough until tragedy strikes leaving three of the twelve dead.

Use the clues provided in each of the four May newsletters to figure out which friend 
is attacked by a bear while another falls from a cliff and a third is hopelessly mired down in quicksand. 



Normally I don't include all the clues on the last date but I did have a typo in the clues for week one this month so I want to be sure that everyone has the correct clues. Here are the clues for all four weeks. Use the clues to find out which friend is attacked by a bear, which falls from a cliff, and which is mired down in quicksand. 

Week 1
Harry and Hillary shared a blue tent which was both sturdy and bear proof

Fiona was new to camping so decided to bunk with Julie in the orange tent
Carl shared his black tent with Fred who knew exactly where to walk so that both friends avoided the quicksand
Gina and Carrie each had a purple tent. Neither died.

Week 2

Bonnie had a yellow tent while Bobby had a brown tent. Neither fell from a cliff

George had a red tent and was able to stay clear of the quicksand

Jerry had the green tent and did not get attacked by a bear

The person who fell from the cliff did not stay in the black tent

Week 3 

The friend who was attacked by a bear was not in the orange tent

Neither Fred nor Carl were attacked by a bear

Bonnie and Jerry hiked together and managed to stay clear of the quicksand

The friend who fell from the cliff was not staying in the blue or red tent

Week 4 

The friends in the blue tent did not get bogged down in quicksand

Julie did not die and Bobby was not a victim of the quicksand

Neither Bobby nor Bonnie were attacked by a bear

Fiona did not fall from a cliff

Enter your answer in the rafflecopter as one long sentence. Do not hit return until you have finished the entire answer or rafflecopter will kick you out. The answer should be entered in the following format: (Name) was attacked by a bear, (Name) fell from a cliff, and (Name) was trapped by quicksand. 

Enter Answer Here
Buy or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


Camp Carter is on sale for $.99 thru 6/2
Preorder Deja Diva Publishes 8/4/2020
Preorder Campfire Secrets Publishes 6/30/2020
Fifth Night is on sale for $.99 thru 6/2
Preorder Gossip in the Garden Publishes 6/16/2020
Preorder The Wedding Plan Publishes 7/14/2020
The Winner of the Gift Card from last week is Jean Patton. The card has been ordered. Look for an email from Amazon.
Enter to Win

Upcoming Releases from Kathi Daley Books: 

Gossip in the Garden - Inn at Holiday Bay #10
Release - June 16, 2020

Campfire Secrets - Island Trilogy #3
Release - June 30, 2020

The Wedding Plan - Tess and Tilly #10
Release - July 14, 2020

Deja Diva - Zoe Donovan #34
Release - Summer 2020

Ghost in the Gallery - Inn at Holiday Bay #11
Release - Summer 2020

Finding Shelter - Rescue Alaska #5
Release - Fall 2020


Be sure to stop off at my author page for book updates, contests, and giveaways. 

I want to invite everyone to join the group page. If you are not already a group member you can join at 

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Be sure to check out my web page for up to date information on all my books as well as a complete list of books in order.

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