

I'm looking forward to our third session together this afternoon.

Hopefully since last time you have had the chance to practice your Catalytic Style. If not, see if you can sneak in a few practices this morning!

At the start of our session this morning we are going to go back to our vision statement:

Everyone having the confidence to facilitate online groups of people taking action

I will ask you to go back over our list of prioity missions and evaluate how you think you are doing against them. As a reminder, the list is:
  1. To be able to be aware of the space you hold and to create a space in which other people can talk
  2. Managing ego - allowing people to get there in their own way
  3. Introducing new groups of people to work together
  4. To be able to read body language, especially when using slides
  5. To recognise that success is that the group learns rather than you getting your content across
  6. To get the right vibe and to maintain it
  7. Keeping people to task when they drift off
We'll use the outcome of this conversation to shape where we take the conversation next. If you get the chance, please have a think in advance about how you think you are doing against these topics.

Zoom details

Topic: EWB-UK Session 3
Time: Jun 4, 2020 01:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 0893 3563
Password: 865919

Please arrive ten minutes early so we can make sure your connection is working.

Best wishes,
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