We’ve been sending out many different resources, tools and templates. To help keep them organized we created a new Parish Resources tool. You can find it on the homepage of the Archdiocese website under the “Coronavirus Updates & Info”.
Approving Parish Plans
All parishes must complete their reopening plan and get approval from their Dean. Once approved, the plan goes to the Bishop for his approval. Moving forward please send all plans to SeattleMass2020@seattlearch.org and ensure all plans are in by Noon on Thursday. We are aware that the Governor may make changes to county phases on Friday, however we are unable to process plan changes that quickly, and ask that you stick with your current plan until the following weekend.
Posters for Parish
To help communicate changes to your parishioners, we created a set of posters for you. These can not only be printed and posted, but should also be on your website, newsletter and bulletins.
We are hosting a webinar next Monday at 10:30 a.m. to answer your questions about reopening. Please send your questions in to SeattleMass2020@seattlearch.org and we’ll do our best to address the on the webinar. Click here to register.