Dear <<First Name>>,
We are aware of the many protests that are happening across the country as well as locally. We share in the aspirations of the protesters and the right to free speech and expression. As individuals who hold non-immigrant status we wanted to take this opportunity to share some information with you should you have any concerns about your participation in these activities.

It is important to avoid any violations of your F-1 or J-1 status. In addition to enrollment requirements, address reporting, or employment restrictions, individuals in non-immigrant status are expected to refrain from breaking any U.S. state or federal laws. (The American Civil Liberties Union has a series of Know Your Rights resources available including being stopped by police, and attending demonstrations/protests.) Please think carefully before engaging in protest activities, as arrests can seriously impact immigration status or future visa applications. If you do choose to engage, BIO encourages you to review UC Berkeley's suggestions regarding how to protest safely. Arrests or convictions that involve violence, drugs, or alcohol can have serious or long-lasting impacts on your current or future immigration status.

If you are arrested or have any legal concerns, please contact Berkeley International Office immediately. In such cases, we urge you to retain immigration legal counsel to advise you as to next steps and possible consequences. UC Berkeley Student Legal Services provides legal resources related to California law for enrolled students, but cannot advise on immigration issues. BIO can provide you with immigration legal referrals.
Ivor Emmanuel
Berkeley International Office

Berkeley International Office

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