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As we continue to adapt to the changes in our lifestyles due to Covid 19, we want to thank you for respecting the 6 ft social distancing practice. We are working hard to keep everyone safe. 

Can you believe it's already June? We have been waiting for summer and it is finally here! This Summer may be different from others, with businesses, pools, and sports still partially closed. With more time spent in the yard and at home, we are very excited to showcase our fall and winter prep work and continue to maintain your lawn throughout the Summer. The next few months will show the highest yard traffic and have many other factors that are battled during the summer. We will go over some of the major summer landscape challenges below. 


With temps slowly rising into the 90’s, we can expect to deal with some fungus. Fungus thrives with high heat, humidity, and rainfall. We have yet to see many cases of fungus, but with the increase in recent rainfall some fungus will begin to emerge. Over-watering this time of year can be more detrimental than underwatering. Water droplets should either soak into the ground, or evaporate by early morning. Any water droplets or saturation on the turf from late morning to early afternoon creates a breeding ground for fungus. If this occurs, dial back on your watering. 

Brown Patch is the most common Fungus we see in turf in central Virginia. This fungus is dormant in our soil and emerges in the turf grass when excess moisture, rain, humidity, and heat occur. Brown Patch looks like brown circles in the turf grass with a smokey or grey ring around the entire circle. It can spread rapidly and even become worse overnight. If you do have Brown Patch, don’t worry because we can apply top of the line products to erradicate the fungus. The treatments are completed with three applications spanning over 9-12 weeks. The liquid application is a curative and a preventive application, so if you are concerned about Brown Patch but don’t have it yet, treatments are still an option. Over the next several weeks, our crews will keep a close eye and we will notify if any signs of Brown Patch arise. If you would like to inquire about Brown Patch or are unsure if you already have treatments in your contract, please contact Bri Cole. 

Dollar spot is another turf fungus that we have seen, but is less common than Brown Patch. We can also treat Dollar spot with three applications. Dollar Spot looks like Brown Patch, but the circles are about the size of a dollar coin. This fungus can spread rapidly and is very easily transmitted. Please note: walking on top of the fungus, cutting the fungus, and wind can easily spread Dollar spot throughout your yard. 

Over the next few weeks, you will notice your crew will begin to prune during their weekly visits. They will complete pruning in stages and will take a few weeks to complete. First, they will start with all spring blooming Azaleas. Soon after, we will tip prune Hollies and other shrubs with new growth, such as Barberry’s and Abelia’s. We will wait until the new growth on Hollies harden to ensure that the clean appearance will last for as long as possible. If you have any questions about pruning, please contact Bri Cole. 
Shot Hole Disease is a common occurrence in Laurels and will appear with excess humidity, water saturation, and heat. Shot hole is most common in Laurels and actually resemble an insect problem. It begins with small holes on the leaves and then spreads throughout the plant. It almost looks as if your laurel was shot with a shotgun. To prevent shot hole, it is very important to keep the underbrush clear and make sure it does not hold moisture. It is also a good idea to cut out any dead branches on the shrubs. Our crews will make sure to remove any dead areas and keep an eye out for the disease.

Bag worms are similar to caterpillars that use Conifers to breed and eat. They will form cocoon like bags that hang from the limbs, where they live and emerge to eat. They will completely take over an evergreen and can kill the entire tree. There are some insecticides to broadcast spray over the entire tree, but the most effective curative measure it to simply pick them off. We will make sure to notify you and take care of the issue if we see one. 

Visit to pre-order and save 10%. The truck arrives June 19th at 9am - 10:30. Georgia Peach Truck offers whole boxes of freestone Georgia peaches and one pound bags of Front Porch Pecans® from the authentic Peach State!. Visit their website for further details. 
Copyright © 2020 Cross Creek Nursery & Grounds 

Our mailing address is:
501 Courthouse Road, Richmond, Virginia 23236

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