
I'd say self doubt is the most common thing amongst individuals, that holds back both action taking and success creating.

Would you agree?

Have you or do you experience self doubt sometimes? And maybe it completely stops you in your tracks; almost freezing you, when you want to LEAP and move forward...?

I've been there, more than once.

In fact, if I look back at every time I did not achieve something - 95% of the times I didn't get where I wanted to go, it was because of me.

Because I doubted myself.

I didn't believe in myself enough to even start.

So I stayed still, stagnate, and stuck... failing to move forward.


Not because I was incapable.

Because I was blind to my own abilities.

I didn't have self belief.

I had too much self doubt.

Which also led to a very low amount of self worth.

And for all the individuals I've worked with over the years in my coaching career...

SO many of them came to me without self belief and with low self worth.

But by the end of the coaching experience, they had more self worth and all the belief they needed.


Mainly because they achieved the goal.

You can't deny the facts... if you did it, you did it. The truth is in the result and if the result is there, you HAVE to believe in yourself (because you did it).

But before that, it was simply their act of getting started. Which is often times the hardest step...

If you can start, you can continue.

I showed them that I BELIEVED IN THEM.

They might not have yet, but I did - and I did enough for it to rub off on them.

Having a coach repeat the belief in you, to you, every single week helps too...

And once they see the things they're doing, tracking and measuring their actions and progressions along the way, they believe more and more.

They see that they are DOING IT.

When you see yourself doing it, confidence in your own ability multiplies.

But again, it all starts with action.

Action and some serious support.

But beyond that, I think there are actually 8 things that create even more self worth/belief and eliminate self doubt.

1. Face The Facts (Seek Truth).

2. Educate Yourself (Knowledge Creates Confidence).

3. Be Selfish (You Come First).

4. Support (Accountability)

5. Say It (Affirmations).

6. Impossible Game (Reverse Engineer Goals)

7. Visualize It (See it, Believe it, Achieve it)

8. Fake It Til You Make It (Be The Person You Want To Become, Now)

Coach "WORTH IT" Kosta 

P.S. In order to give people the chance to try out our virtual workouts, we've decided to offer a free first workout option for first timers! 

If you are interested to try it ot simply go here and select Virtual Workout Single Session, type in CFPVIRTUAL in the promotion code box and it should add to your cart for $0. If you have any trouble, please don't hesitate to reach out and I'll take a look at it!

If you have friends or family who have been hesitant to try out a session but you know they'll like it, this could be a great way to get them to join you virtually without any sort of commitment, so be sure to share this with them! :) 

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