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The Sound of Light  is named from Psalm 119: "The entrance of thy Word brings light."  It is our passion to bring the voice & intentions of God into the lives of men & women through revelation and prophetic ministry rooted in love & Grace. Not only do we seek to reach the Church, but to reach the unreachable and touch the untouchable through a message of hope and personal destiny! 'Prophet' is not a title - it's a functionality! Remember, a prophet is not the finger of condemnation, but the extended hand of hope! 
Dear Warrior <<First Name>>,

There are a handful of moments that become "gravitational wells" in a souls lifetime. Making the decision to live as God desires is certainly one of them.
Another one of these 'gravity moments' is when we "put away childish things" and break into maturity. We remain childlike in our pursuit of wonder, and the laughter in our hearts keeps us youthful and filled with zest for life. But our hunger becomes for deeper things and for the taste of victory in our lives!
You were designed by God and rebirthed through the last Adam - the Lord Jesus - to be a dominant, conquering, victorious creature, able to terrascape the landscape of your environment by the word of your voice!

And though that ability was lost for millennia, Jesus has restored that power to us through His Living Spirit who dwells with us and breathes in us.

It's time to change the landscape of your future by the power you carry: The Word of God!

We all have a personal mountain that interposes itself between our present position and out future possession. That mountain takes many shapes and forms and can be anything from personal habits we struggle with, to persistent demonic influences we have permitted to bother and resist us.

Which of the mountain forces is withstanding you? Which mountain god has erected a high place altar in your life that is hindering you from standing victorious at the summit?

God desires for us to grow to the maturity of Overcomers and TAKE THE MOUNTAIN and defeat the enemy that would withstand us on our journey toward our DESTINY!

The Spirit of God released powerful secrets in the latest video teaching where we learn how to deal with and vanquishing those spiritual forces and receive the blessing of an Open Portal from God for INCREASE and AMPLIFICATION that Daniel enjoyed in contradiction to the times of a negative prognosis. 

Hear and learn the prophetic secrets to dealing with spiritual forces that are hindering you and have erected high places in your life. The God of gods will conquer the mountain god withstanding you. You carry the power of the Say!

Is it not just so in keeping with the nature and character of the Father God to defy the dark and gloomy - even violent - times that we observe in the earth today?

Times when ominous spiritual forces cavort in the spirit world hurling curses and fiery darts against you and your family and amidst all of that - God Most High, the Possessor of Heaven and Earth, declares a blessing of Increase & Amplification over you and your household!

God definitely has other ideas for your life! Grand ideas!

Love and Light,
P.s. A massive and heartfelt thanks and gratitude goes out from us to you for having the love, courage and sensitivity to support the ministry over this trying period in world history.

As you can no doubt imagine, for a faith-based ministry solely reliant on love gifts and donation income - a cancelled itinerary certainly does present a challenge. But God is so faithful and continues to touch the hearts of the Warrior-Saints to allow us to continue devoting our time in pursuing our mandate to seek the Heart of God for the family of God.

So thank you dear Saints of God for honouring the Father by sowing into the ministry. It always encourage my own faith to know that the God of Elijah still whispers into the hearts of men and women today to take care of the prophets of the Lord.
Even now, if you sense the prompting of the Lord to do something prophetic:
Take a moment. Pray in your heart. Hear God. Commit. Act!
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