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College Hill Presbyterian Church
501 Brodhead Street
Easton, Pennsylvania 18042

Dear College Hill Presbyterian Church Members and Friends,

Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!  While our church building has been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have remained vitally open. Staff and Session have been working tirelessly and adaptively to live into our calling as followers of Jesus Christ through creative worship, bible study, faith formation activities and outreach.

Returning to a semblance of normalcy will take careful and thoughtful planning. And it will take time.  We ask for your patience and your continued prayers as your staff and Session discern the way forward.  We’ll be looking at all sources of information -- State Health Dept, CDC, our denominational leadership, our insurance carrier, and all others.  

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for you to consider:

When will we return to in-person worship? Session and staff are in continual dialogue. We are all in agreement not to allow a rapid return to ministry that resembles pre-pandemic life. The known and unknown risks of COVID-19 call for great caution. Safety for all, especially for our most vulnerable members, is our top priority. It will take time to plan and implement necessary adaptations.  At this time, our Zoom worship provides for our worship, and the restrictions that we’d have to abide in the building wouldn’t provide as good an experience for all of us.

What if I’m not comfortable returning to in-person worship when that happens?  The Session is committed to providing a live, on-line broadcast of the worship service for those who wish to continue to worship from home.

Why aren’t all the worship leaders in the Sanctuary or why haven’t we pre-recorded the worship service? The equipment in the sanctuary does not currently allow for the quality of digital worship that we’d want. Music is currently pre-recorded and will continue to be so indefinitely. If we pre-record the whole service, the congregation loses the ability to talk with each other and interact. There would be no chat room for prayer requests and announcements. It would be like watching a TV show, instead of participating in a worship service.

What will it take to broadcast live from the Sanctuary? We are assessing our needs in terms of equipment and technology.  We will also need a team of committed volunteers to video and produce the service.

Can we worship outside?  Outdoor worship presents its own unique set of challenges and wouldn’t be accessible to our entire congregation. We would need special amplification and equipment, extensive work to set-up, and planning for inclement weather -- especially challenging when we can’t go inside.  And we couldn’t include folks electronically.  It’s not something we could do regularly.

Will worship be the same when we return to the Sanctuary? Due to the virus, many of our worship practices will be suspended or modified. For example, singing in any form is not safe with COVID-19.  We will have to practice social distancing and wear masks as we enter and leave the building, as well as when we’re seated in pews. We cannot pass the plate or pass the peace with handshakes or hugs. Responsive readings and collective speaking will not be possible nor will communion be the same. When Session determines it is time to start gathering for worship again, we will provide procedures and protocols. Again, this will take time -- possibly months -- before we convene again.  

What is needed to experience on-line worship, Faith Formation, and Zoom meetings? You need a Zoom account to participate in worship or online meetings via laptop, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial-in to participate from any phone. There’s a live stream of worship on Facebook, as well as recordings of past services. Assistance is available to help you set up the technology needed to participate. Please reach out to the church office.

How can I support CHPC?  The church is open and operating. This is good news for our mission partners like Safe Harbor, ProJeCt Easton, Camp Kirkwood and Third Street Alliance, as well as for our hardworking staff and for the care of our building and grounds. We encourage you to give your financial pledge and other offerings in one of the following ways:

·         Participate in worship, Bible Study and online offerings

·         Send or drop-off checks to the church office. June Heyer, our Office Manager will continue to make sure these are received and recorded weekly.

·         Visit and click on “Donate” for online giving options. It’s fast, easy, and secure.

·          Support our new COVID-19 Fund for the Helping Families ministry.

Who should I contact with questions, concerns or affirmations? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the pastors, or any of our staff and Session.

How will I learn of updates? All communications from church leaders are sent through email, posted on our website and Facebook page. Monthly, a hard copy of the Chronicle is sent to those who don’t receive electronic communications.  

With warmest regards in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Merideth Mueller, Transitional Pastor,

Rev. Susan Tindall, Associate Pastor,

Elder Becky Rosenbauer, Clerk of Session,  

Your 2020 Session ( Elders Cindy Farley, John Gray, Dorothy Ward, Chris Heagele, Christina McFadden, Christy Molnar, Ellis Williams, Dan Brashler, Darryl Davis, Allen Robertson, Tim Wells

Copyright © 2020 College Hill Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.

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