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Newsletter June 2020

Dear Colleagues!

ESCIF has created and launched the ESCIF Help AllianceNow we start sending out masks!

ESCIF Help Alliance is made to protect the vulnerable persons in the European SCI community against the Coronavirus. The masks are intended to the carers who help tetra-/quadriplegic that uses ventilators or have reduced immune systems. Through ESCIF Ambassador program we have been in contact with all our members.

ESCIF Help Alliance is the platform that enables us to provide help to our community. Now we are focusing on providing medical masks, with funding from supporting organisations and companies. Our ambition is to provide approximately 1.2 million masks.  

We really need your help to get more funding, so we can provide masks through a hard and uncertain time, which is not over yet. A very valuable way you can contribute is by liking and sharing ESCIF Help Alliance on social media. If you will share your own opinion and/or pictures regarding the help ESCIF is providing would be of great value for our community! 

If you are able to make a post like an example on the right, we will all benefit. 

Instagram: escif_help_alliance
Hashtags: #protectthevulnerable #ESCIFHelpAlliance #ESCIFHelp 

ESCIF Assembly 2020

Despite the untraditional assembly, we had high participation. The minutes have been shared with the organisations and delegates and will soon be available on our home page! 

Yours sincerely
Stefan Opresnik Jorlev
ESCIF President

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