Whatever you want in life…whatever you dream of…whatever tickles the deep desire of your existence…it's made possible through human connections. Our reality is so heavily affected by the people who color our days. Even right now, at a time where our realities have been so massively strained, our close relationships can be the salve to our pain. It’s a delicate dance between what’s inside of you, and what you allow to be around you.

The easiest way to safeguard your heart is to pay attention to those you’re surrounded by – on calls, on walks, on zoom, in meetings, and in your DMs. If those people spew negativity...if they project fear...if they're unsupportive...then they're making these hard times harder. When in reality, we should focus our attention on those that make hard times easier. How can you tell who that is? Well, look for the people who are at ease with their own self. 

The quickest way to elevate your life is to surround yourself by women who like themselves.Tweet: The quickest way to elevate your life is to surround yourself by women who like themselves. @maxiemccoy https://ctt.ec/E4dO0+

Surround yourself with women who don’t cost you your power in order to be in relationship with them. With women who have boundaries themselves. Who have honest conversations. Who get curious instead of getting right. Stand in the cocoon of women who are as vulnerable as they are strong. Be at peace amongst women who are at home with themselves and their own imperfections. They will allow you to be and do the same. They are humans who will teach you how to do all of these things through their own example.

When you have boundaries about who is in your #girlgang or your squad or your crew, it’s easy to pour into them all the encouragement, and belief and support that you can. Because they’re people who do so themselves. They celebrate your successes more than you do. They’re women who cheer you on. They hype you up. They’re women who want you fully in your power because they’re so fully in their own.

It’s easy to invest deeply in people if you’re helping yourself first. And the people you’re investing in are doing the same. Your surroundings will never have looked more beautiful…more bright… no matter where you are. 

Have a woman who is all of this and more for you? Send this along and let her know how you’re oh so #batshitgrateful